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As you and Felix finished in the kitchen, the others automatically began to wander in, grabbing plates of food, passing drinks around.

"To another successful case, I suppose." Bang Chan said, raising his glass in a toast.
"We can't be sure." I said.

"The evidence matched. I'm almost certain." Lee Know said, taking a bite of his meal.
"It could always be set up." I added, looking down at my own food.

I helped Felix make this, yet I'm still terrified to eat it.

"Why are you so against the evidence? You were there before Changbin died. Don't you remember their voice or anything?" Jeongin asked.

I slammed my glass down.

"Neither me nor Bang Chan remembers a single thing because someone spiked our food." I growled.

"You don't know that for sure. I could've just been tired, and so could've you." Bang Chan said.

"Why do none of you believe me?! It just doesn't seem right! This case seems too easy. The recent murders have been rushed, as soon as we got on his tail. Isn't that in the least bit suspicious!" I yelled.

"Y/N, calm down. You can question Hyunjin tomorrow." Felix said.

"As if I'll get much out of him. Or, maybe I'll be dead before then. Since this killer is so infatuated with me, they might want to see me spilt over the carpet. Or maybe in a withered skeleton. Or maybe with my jaw bashed in." I smiled, standing up.

"Y/N, you're not going to get hurt." Felix said.
"Sit down, cmon." Jeongin said.

"I'm going to my room. I'm not hungry." I said, taking a last sip of my drink and heading upstairs.

In my bed I sat with my head in my hands, sobbing silently.
"If only you weren't such an idiot." I whimpered, hiding under the covers of my bed.
I heard my bedroom door open, as someone placed a plate on my bedside table.

"I brought you some snacks in case you get hungry." Jeongin said, before leaving again.
I ignored him, and as I felt my sobs get heavier in my chest, I felt darkness overtake my senses, as I fell into a slumber.

The next morning I awoke drenched with sweat, as the nightmares flashed through my mind, vivid flashes of red and sinister smiles slithered through my skull like serpents, biting me, infecting me with every image.

My head ached. As I looked at the time and my constantly ringing alarm, I realised I had slept in.

"Oh shi.." I started, getting up and having a quick shower, hurriedly dressing before rushing to the police station.

"Ah, Detective L/N, you've arrived." The officer said.
"I'm so sorry I'm late." I said.

"It's alright, I understand you're going through a tough time at the moment." He said with a smile.

"Wheres Hyunjin? Can I go question him?" I asked.

"He hasn't said a word. But if you want, sure." The officer shrugged, leading me down the hall.

We walked into an interrogation room, as I saw Hyunjin sitting with his head on his arms, his legs placed uncomfortably under the grime-covered table.

"Please turn the microphone off from the outside. I know him, he's not going to talk if it's on." I asked, preparing to open the door and head inside.

"I can't do that. The rest of your team, they-" The officer started.

"Who cares what they asked. Just please comply." I said, walking into the room.
Hyunjin raised his head, only to stare at me with pleading eyes.

"Y/N.." He said slowly.
"The microphone is off." I said, looking at the mic outside the window, which was now no longer blinking.

"Tell me what really happened to your hand." I asked.

"I went to the bar.. me, Felix and Jeongin did.. we wanted to celebrate something stupid. I think it was like the fourth week we had this case or something, I don't know, it's kind of a blur. Then one of them left, and the other one.. he was pissed.. I was drunk, and it's all hazy, but he was rambling about how I need to stay away from you, and that Han was already next to go on his list.. and I just didn't understand a word, until he told me he was the jawbreaker. Then we got in a fight.. and he pulled a knife from his pocket, and slashed my hand.. it hurts like hell.. I know Han gave them a cut too.." Hyunjin explained, placing his head on the table.

"Whoever it is keeps drugging the food.. they've been using a burn phone to keep me under their command. To start the shower for them, to do this, do that blah blah.. and I can barely remember a thing.." Hyunjin said.

"They all think you did it.." I said sadly.
"Of course they do.. I guess I won't be coming home for awhile.." Hyunjin smiled sadly.

"I know.. I'll get you out of here.. then I can go say goodbye to Han.. it doesn't feel right to say goodbye when I haven't solved his case.." I said. "I can also say goodbye to Changbin.."

"That's nice.. I'll just stay here.. to rot, being disconnected from the rest of you. It's okay, don't be sad about it. I guess it's what I deserve for helping a murderer.. they threatened to hurt you.. and my family.. I'm sorry, I couldn't let them.." Hyunjin sobbed.

"I know.. it's okay.." I smiled gently.
"Please help me out of this, Y/N.." Hyunjin cried.

"Of course I will." I said. "Not just for you, but for the sake of those we lost."
"Yeah.. let's solve this."

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