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Hyunjin was too slow to act, before Han was on top of him.

I jumped forward, my side burning as I clambered on top of Han, trying weakly to pull him off.
Then Felix jumped in, his voice a low growl as he grabbed at the hem of Han's collar.
"Get your hands off them." He growled.
Han's face contorted into a frown, glaring up at Felix.

"Don't just go and change sides now. You stabbed Y/N, didn't you?" He asked, smirking slightly.

"That- that was an accident.." Felix stuttered.
Hyunjin grabbed Han by the neck from behind, leaving him gasping for air.
I watched from the floor, my blood trickling out from my side.

I watched as Han choked, his face changing into a shade of red, his hands clawing at Hyunjin's arm.
"Hyun, you're killing him." I said, trying to stand up.
"That's the point." He grumbled.

"HYUNJIN! There's going to be another way. Now let go." I hissed at him, stumbling over.
He glared at me, before releasing Han, who fell onto the floor, coughing and gasping for air.

"Are you trying to kill me.." Han glowered, his eyes drilling into Hyunjin with despise.
"I was, actually." Hyunjin shrugged.
Han looked to me, a small smile appearing back on his face.

"Oh, Y/N.. uh.." He looked away. "Can we talk? I- I'm so sorry for earlier.. this keeps happening.. these sudden out-spurts.. and I'm hurting people.."
"It's okay, that's not what I'm worried about right now. We need to get to the morgue. If it's a parasite we're dealing with, Changbin's brain might still be alive."

I said, grabbing onto Felix for support.
Hyunjin and Felix glared at each other.
"If any of you fight, I swear to god I'll hit you." I grumbled, before struggling my way upstairs, Felix assisting, Han and Hyunjin following shortly.

It's as Felix had said, Lee Know and Jeongin were fighting.
They were both bleeding quite a lot.

"JEONGIN. LEE KNOW!" I yelled.
They turned their heads, both glaring at Felix, who was holding me up.

I pushed Felix away, steadying myself against the wall.

"Tell me, you know you're infected with a parasite which is slowly eating at your brain every time you cut each other, right?" I asked. "That's also what's causing your violence. The plague of jealousy, it's called. It's going to kill you if you don't calm down a minute and let me help."

They stood there in silence, before Jeongin dropped his knife. "Alright.. but no ones touching you."

"You expect me to walk on my own with a stab wound?" I said, raising an eyebrow.
Jeongin looked away awkwardly. "Sorry.."

"Alright. We're heading to the morgue. I'm finding a way to save you guys, that doesn't include killing Han." I said, walking to the front door.

As I twisted the handle, I felt someone opening it from the other side, making me step back.
Bang Chan stood at the door, a sigh of relief passing through his lips as he saw me.
"Thank god you're alright." He smiled, trying to pull me into a hug.

I twisted away. "Bang Chan, there's a parasite or something inside of all of us. That's why our team is so violent. I'm trying to figure out how to kill it. Can you drive us to the morgue where Changbin is?" I asked.

Bang Chan sighed. "I expected as much. I'm assuming it was Hyunjin's lab."
I just nodded.
"Alright, everyone get in the van." He said.
I sat right up the back, so I could monitor everyone.

It also meant I was the furthest from everyone.
I took this time partially alone to lift up my torn shirt.
The cut was deep, running through my whole side. My body was caked in blood, drying in patterns along my stomach.

Jeongin rummaged through the first aid kit in the seat in front of him, passing me a bandage.
"Help, please.." I asked.

Jeongin just looked away. "I'm sorry, it's just making me squeamish.."
Hyunjin wandered through the van to me, lifting my shirt mostly off, only covering my chest as he bandaged around my waist.
"That should help with the bleeding." He smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled half-heartedly back, before wincing, pain coursing through my head.

I felt a flash of red. Was this the plague of jealousy that had affected the others?
Was it finally coming into action, as I was developing feelings for someone?

"You alright?" Hyunjin asked.
"Yeah, yeah.. just light headed.. I've lost a bit of blood y'know." I said, waving him away.

The van lurched as Detective Chan parked. "Alright we're here."

I wandered inside, showing my ID to the guards before entering the morgue.
The rest of the detective team followed.

I found where Changbin's body was, pulling open the door and sliding his body out.
He was covered in a white sheet.
I took a deep breath, removing the cover from his head.

His face was deformed from the countless slashes. I looked at the stitching around his head, placing a pair of gloves on, and incurring the stitches, removing the top part of his skull.

Thankfully an autopsy had already been done, so it was easier to do.

"If you're sensitive, look away." I said to the other members, before pulling Changbin's brain from his skull.

It was patched with it's usually fleshy colour, and black patches, which were rotten, parasitic.
They still flexed ever so slightly.

"Felix, can you pass me the scalpel?" I asked.
He handed it to me, before looking away from the organ in my hands.

I poked at the parasitic patches, making a small incision.
It only moved away from where I cut.
I sighed, before grabbing a second scalpel, passing it to Bang Chan.

"Detective Chan, please cut my arm." I said.
"What- no. Why would I do that?" He asked.
"I'm testing something. Do it."

With that he made a small incision down my arm, not too deep.
I saw the parasite in Changbin's brain shrivel, shrinking in the area it was taking.

I moved his brain back to his head, placing the top of his head back on, before taking my gloves off, turning to my group.

"Well, we've got another option. You have to kill me."

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