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"This is becoming a pain." The man said, kneeling over Y/N's unconscious body.
"All in time." He whispered, standing up.
He grabbed a knife from his pocket.
"At this point, I don't have time to fit this stupid pattern." He growled, easing the weapon over Changbin's chest.
"Hey Changbin, everything okay?" A voice called from a top the stairs.
"Shit.." the man whispered, hiding the knife behind his back.
"He had a bit of a stumble! Y/N and me are helping him down here. I think he hit his head." The man said.
"Ah, alright. Come talk to me if you need anything." The voice said, walking off.
The man rolled his eyes, before picking Changbin up, taking him outside.
"Really, they're just making this harder. Sorry mate." The man said, stabbing his knife deep into Changbin's stomach.

"You know the nickname jawbreaker was alright for awhile. I'd like another title though. It's the name of a candy after all, so it sounds all a bit childish." The man said, as he sliced up Changbin's chest.
He held one hand over Changbin's mouth, muffling his screams.
"I hope Y/N catches on soon. It's boring staying hidden. But what do I do? Tell them 'hey, I'm the mass murderer you've been hunting.' Like seriously, what could I tell them?" He continued, talking as he hacked away at Changbin's body.
At this point, Changbin was limp, dead.
"Let's leave our note on you, shall we?" He said with a smile, ripping Changbin's sleeve off, carving his message into his flesh, the red dripping in scarlet rivers.

"Well, I'm just about done. Let's go have a shower, shall we? I reek." He said, wandering off back inside.
Y/N was still out cold. "Let's take you back to your room. I hope you're sleeping well." He said, picking you up carefully as he moved you to your bed.
Then, he turned the running water back to hot, taking a shower.
The next morning, I awoke with a killer headache.
"My head hurts so badly.." I mumbled, rubbing the back of it as I felt a mini lump forming.
I turned to see Hyunjin fast asleep on his bed, wrapped in layers of blankets.
I smiled, looking at how peaceful he looked.
It was nice, that we could just sometimes be normal people doing normal things. Life isn't all about death.

I headed downstairs, looking around the group.
"Changbin- where is he?" I asked.
"I dunno. I haven't seen him since last night." Bang Chan said.
"Was anyone with him? I remember finding him sprawled on the floor." I said, rubbing my head.
"Yeah, you were.." Bang Chan said.
"I blacked out so I can't remember much." I said.
"Someone else was with you.. I can't remember who.. I felt a bit off last night." Bang Chan said with a slight shrug.
"We can talk about that when the rest wake up. Hyunjins still fast asleep like a baby. I'll take the rubbish out." I said, noticing the bin.
I grabbed the bag, heading out the back.
Where I saw a pool of red.
I dropped the bag, and screamed.

Bang Chan was out in an instant, following my eyes.
He pulled me into his chest, looking away as I sobbed.
"It's okay.. Y/N.. we'll catch them.. just- don't look.." He said, his voice a soothing whisper.
Jeongin ran outside, Felix right behind him.
"Oh my god- Jeongin, call the police, an ambulance, I don't know, someone!" Felix exclaimed, taking his hands through his hair as he walked up to us, placing a hand on mine.
I looked into his glistening eyes through my puffy ones, before falling into his chest.
"It's one of us.. it's one of us.." I whispered.
"What?" Felix asked.
"The killer, it's one of us.." I said, crying.
I then pushed myself away from Felix.

"It could even be you.. someone hit Changbin over the head last night, and they did the same to me. It's one of us. Only Hyunjin has an alibi." I said again, backing away and heading back to the house.
"Y/N, someone else could've broken in you know-" Felix started.
"What's the chances they start writing notes that make sense. What's the chances they change their pattern right AFTER I mention it at the meeting. What's the chances they target Han after he said he had a list of suspects ready. What's the chances they went after Seungmin when he had all the evidence against them. What's the chances- that they go after Changbin after.. after he prepares all the new evidence to send it away. It's all too much of a coincidence. It's one of you!" I cried, standing against the wall of the house.

"Y/N, please calm down." Bang Chan said. "You can trust us."
Jeongin came out, watching in confusion, before stalking off back inside.
"I can't trust anyone. Not after two of my friends are killed, and one of them is put in a god damn coma!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.
Hyunjin came outside, drying his wet hair.
"What's going- oh my god." He stated, looking at Changbin's body.
I walked over to Hyunjin, gripping onto him.
"Our murderer is in the detective agency." I hissed between my teeth.
"You're telling me this because..?" He questioned.
"You were in the shower last night, when this would've happened." I said.
"I don't shower at night." Hyunjin said.
"You don't what?" I said, stepping away.

"I shower in the mornings.. someone else must've been in the shower." Hyunjin said.
Lee Know came outside, eyeing me up and down.
"Y/N, you need to calm down a minute." He said, stepping towards me.
"Stay away.." I said, stepping away from them, closer to Changbin's corpse.
"Y/N please." Hyunjin asked. "It can't be anyone here. Let's just take a moment to sit down and think-"
"Take a moment? TAKE A MOMENT? CHANGBIN IS DEAD, AND SO IS HAN. BY THE HANDS OF ONE OF YOU! LOOK AT EACH OTHER! How much do we even know about one another? All I know is this killers motive is for attention seeking, so it could be any of you. Well guess what, you've got my attention now!" I yelled, anger boiling.

Then I felt a short stabbing pain in my neck, as I fell back into someone's arms.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, but you need to calm down. You just woke up from a five-day coma remember? You need to relax." Jeongin said, dropping the needle to the floor.
"So- so you d-drug me instead?" I whispered, falling to the floor.
As I felt my consciousness slip, I look over Changbin's body, the gashes forming words.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but you know, at least I've caught your eye now."

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