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When I awoke, I was back in my bed, the room empty.
My head was still hazy from the drug. Murmurs came from downstairs, hushed voices talking.

The memories flooded back.
Changbin's pale body, the members scared faces, the gashes.. the blood..
One of us was lying. One of us did it. I know it.
Someone knocked me out last night, and took me back upstairs.

They must've done something to Detective Chan, since he says he can't remember them.
Drugs, maybe?
All I know for sure, was that I needed to visit Han's house.

He had a report to write the night he passed away.
Knowing him, he would've gotten it done before the time he was killed.

Maybe he had even the slightest idea who our criminal is.

I got changed quietly, before sneaking downstairs.
"Ah, Y/N, you're up." A voice called from the living room.

"Oh, Felix.. yeah.." I said awkwardly, looking away from him.

"Y/N, you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine.. I'm just going to head out. Yeji didn't leave me very good clothes, so I wanted to head home and grab some more." I explained.

"Do you want someone to come with you?" Felix asked. "It's safer that way."

"I'll be alright." I said, walking closer to the door.

"You haven't eaten breakfast yet. I'm sure you're hungry." Felix called out again.

"Do you want me to make you something?" He asked.

"I'm okay." I said, my stomach rumbling in protest.
Felix half-smiled, before hopping up, heading into the kitchen.

Lee Know stood around, messing around with countless filters on his phone.

"Oh, Y/N! You're awake!!" He smiled, placing his phone down.

"Yeah, I guess I am.." I said awkwardly as Felix fired up the stove.

I sat down, my knee almost touching Lee Know's.

"The others went to the office. We stayed here to wait until you woke up." Lee Know said.

"Well, Bang Chan and Jeongin went to the office. Hyunjin just went out. He had something important to do, apparently." Felix clarified, flipping a pancake over.

"You'd think he has a second job." I said, laying my head in my arms.

Felix served me up a pancake, and I happily dug in.
After finishing, I gave him a small thanks, before finally heading to the door.

As I opened it, Hyunjin stood with keys in his hand, unlocking the door.
"Oh, Y/N." He said, smiling slightly.
"Hyunjin your hand is bleeding." I said, noticing the blood stained bandages wrapped tightly around his palm.

"It's okay, it's bandaged anyway." He said, hiding it behind his back.
"No it's not." I said, grabbing his hand and unwrapping the bandage.
I noticed a large gash in his hand, which was relatively new.

"When did this happen? HOW did it happen?" I asked, leading Hyunjin into the kitchen as I ran his hand under water, removing the stains of blood.

"I got in a fight with someone. It's nothing to worry about. It happened a few days ago." He said.
I re-bandaged his hand, looking him back in the eyes.

"Keep it clean. I've got somewhere to go." I said, walking off.
I grabbed the keys to the detective car, which Hyunjin had driven here, and drove off to Han's house.

I grabbed the key from under the doormat, unlocking the door.
I walked inside, the eerie silence making my heart hammer.

"He would've been using his computer.." I said to myself, wandering into his office.
Turning the computer on, I logged in easily.
Left open was an email file, addressed to me.

-Flashback, Han POV-
I turned my computer on as I arrived home, sighing.
"I hope I can finish this." I said to myself, typing quickly.

"Dear Y/N, if you're seeing this message, it's most likely gone one of two ways. I'm in hospital, or I've passed away. By whom? I'm assuming you've realised by now it's one of us. The jaw breaker, our esteemed murderer. It's all for attention seeking. For your attention. Did you notice that all the victims you've mentioned? If it was a murderer, a kidnapper, it didn't matter.
You've spoken about them before. This sick bastards doing this to gain your attention. That's why I know I'm next. The only people I'd say it's not in our team.. Bang Chan, it couldn't be him. Especially from our evidence. It's not Seungmin either, you guys are close so I don't think he'd have any reason.

It's not Changbin, either, he's like your older brother. But, it could be any of the others. I'd say watch out for Hyunjin. It's odd, he's never came and joined us before today.
But it's just a guess.
It could be Felix, Lee Know, or Jeongin. I predict it's two people. No one person can get away with so much so easily.
But I'm not that good at these things. Y/N, please be safe, don't eat what food you're given by anyone BUT the people I mentioned. Look under the desk once you've read this. I love you, and I'm sorry I couldn't tell you in person."

I turned my computer off, turning as t he door crashed open.
"Well look at that, I was right." I said, gripping a kitchen knife in my hand.
"You know?" The man said, his hair falling around his face, making his eyes look dark, soulless.

"Of course I do. Y/N will figure you out, you know. They're smart." I said, standing up and moving back.
The man raised his gun.

"I know they are. But I've been doing this for a few weeks, and no one knows who I am!! So, I reckon I'm safe." The man smiled, before aiming his gun at me.

As he shot, I ducked, running forward, slashing across his hand, before backing away.

The man sneered, pointing his gun again. "Don't be difficult."
Then he shot, and everything went black.
I threw the knife towards my computer.

That was the last thing that I ever saw.
His face, hidden by shadows with a melancholy frown.

"I love you too, Han.." I whispered, feeling tears swell.
I looked under the desk, and found a dagger.

Covered in blood.
Looking over it, it looked as if it cut someone.
As if it cut open a palm.
I rushed back to the car, driving back to the office, heart pounding.

A car followed me.
As I stopped at the office, I turned spotting Hyunjin hopping out of a taxi.
"You took the car, so I had to take a taxi. I could've just came with you." Hyunjin sighed.
I stepped away from him.

"What actually happened to your hand?" I asked, stepping back.
"I got in a fight at a bar. Someone was being creepy so I gave them a taste of my medicine. Is something wrong?" Hyunjin asked.

"You killed them.. You're lying.." I said, opening the door behind me, stepping inside.

"Y/N, I don't understand.. killed who?" He asked, stepping forward.
"You killed Han, and Changbin, too. You must've spiked Bang Chans drink, that's why he didn't remember you supposedly helping Changbin. You traitor!" I cried out, tears spilling.

Hyunjin just looked at me, wide eyed with disbelief.
"Y/N, you know me-" he started, reaching out to me with a plea.

"Well, I thought I did." I said, wiping my face before heading inside.

Hyunjin followed me, in silence.
Once we reached the office, I ran to Bang Chan's office.

"Han knew something all along.. we have evidence." I said, placing the bloodied dagger on his desk.

Bang Chan looked up at me.
"You sure?"
I just nodded.

Bang Chan grabbed the dagger, walking to the evidence room, taking some of the blood off the edge of the dagger.

He then placed the sample in the machine, looking at the results on the computer.
Lee Know and Felix arrived while we waited for the results, just as curious as I was.

Jeongin came to sit was us, busy writing his own report up about another, smaller case.
"Well, we have our culprit." Bang Chan said through his teeth, looking around the room.
He turned the computer our way, and my eyes fell on the photo.

"I knew it." I hissed.

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