𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝗲𝗻

58 1 4

I woke up to my ringtone playing.

The number's unfamiliar. I hesitantly clicked the green button and answered the call.

"Who's this?" I answered, hint of annoyance lacing my voice.

"It's me Kataoka. Sorry for disturbing your beauty sleep" I can hear Kataoka laugh softly from the other side. Quite a sound to hear, she doesn't always laugh.

"O-oh, it's fine. What's the matter? Is something wrong?" I asked as I got up from the bed and fixed the sheets.

"Hmm... not really. Let's have a girls' day together. We're not yet that close plus I have something to tell you. I want to tell you in person" She replied.

"Where and when? I'll be there on time"

"I'll just text you." I hummed and response before the two of us agreed to hang up.

'Am I getting kick out of the squad?'


I walked into the mall, immediately spotting Kataoka and her straight bangs. She waved at me while I smiled at her in response.

"Who gave you the idea about the girls' day?" I teased.

"A few friends from middle school." She laughed as we both made our way to different shops.

Once we got tired from walking around we decided we should take a snack. We sat down in a booth while waiting for our food.

"About what I wanted to tell you..." Kataoka started, hesitance was obvious in her voice. I could already sense something bad coming.

"You sound like someone's going to die" I joked, I don't feel like hearing what she wanted to say even though my curiousity's itching me to ask.

"Well, not really" she laughed awkwardly. "It is just that... I like... "
She trailed off, tapping the table surface.

"Yuuma...?" I finished her sentence for her.

She blushed and looked away while nodding. I could feel my throat getting dry as my stomach flipped.

"W-was it that obvious?" She asked, still not having the courage to look at me in the eye.

"Y- no. Don't worry, it's not and also your secret's safe with me" I reassured sounding a little less bitter than I thought I would sound.

"Actually... Maehara and Isogai already knew" She admitted.

"You told Isogai?"

"Yeah, he said he'll think about it first..."

Hiroto: I can't contact you all day T∆T

Hiroto: (Y/n)-chan!!! ToT

Hiroto: I want to see you right now.

Seen 15:54 pm

(Y/n): Not today, Hiroto.

Hiroto: Too late!! (●^_^●)

(Y/n)'s typing...

Hiroto: Open the window for your prince!


I sighed, annoyed. I hurriedly went to the silhoutte that can be seen through my window curtain.

He held a goofy grin as he waited impatiently like a child. I hesited to open to window but obligued.

"I wonder where you went? " Hiroto placed his index finger on his chin while thinking, I watched him as he paced in my room before gasping loudly.

"Keep it down!" I whisper-yelled at him. His eyes are still wide from his conclusion.

"Did... did you went on a date with Isogai?" He fake-cried, as he held his chest as if to show his pain from my betrayal.

I could feel my stone face crumbled as it was immediately replaced by a sour expression.

"I guess, that's a no?" Hiroto awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

"No" I immediately regained my usual expression. "Why are you even here?" I asked, bitterly. He didn't tell me about Kataoka and Isogai, but... it's not like it's his secret to reveal.

"I'm bored. I got dumped today, you know?" He said having a frown on his lips. Something boiled in the pit of my stomach at his reply.

"Oh, your girlfriend?" I asked, tilting my head. What if the girl suspected Hiroto because of me? Wait, he courted me while in a relationship with someone?


"Yeah, the one who answered your phone when I called last time" I replied. I saw how almost every colour leave his face.

"Ahh... that...-" he hesitated to talk and decided to look around, probably to find an excuse?

I kept myself silent, not knowing what to say nor what to do.

"She's not my girlfriend" he laughed rubbing his head sheepishly.

"Oh yeah?" I replied not buying his lie at all.

"She's not really my girlfriend. I swear, I've never been into a relationship for months even before I met you" He explained. Do I even trust him?

"What about ' you got dumped '?" I asked.

"I'm talking about you. Well, you sounded like you don't want to see me. And talk about girlfriend, I thought you were talking about yourself earlier" he flirted.

"I don't have a record of our conversation but I'm pretty sure I talked to a female when I called you" I rose a brow.

"You haven't returned my feelings but you're already getting all possessive with me. That's so sweat of you, (Y/n)-chan" he teased.

"I-i'm not being possessive, what I supposed to mean is; don't court anyone if you're in a relationship with someone else" I huffed away, cheeks puffed.

"Ahh, I already said I'm not in a relationship with anyone" he defended himself.

"Ahh sure, remember the incident in the alley. That night I called to check on you but a female instead of you, picked up" I probably look like a brat right now.

"I left my phone in my sister's office. She's probably just messing with you. She tends to sometimes flirt or give fake information to all the girls I dated and flirted with before." He had a sly smile on his face as he leaned back onto the armchair in my room.

"But, I'm not like those girls! I wouldn't risk anything for a boy" I massaged my temple in frustration.
He looked hurt for a moment but decided to brush it off. He gets mad too, things'll get worser.

"I know I know. She's just not always home when I talk about you so, she's not aware. But, to make things clear and to end this argument, I'm not going to date anyone while courting you, okay? Nor if we get together. I'm not playing with you, so don't play with me too. " His tone's desperate as he pleads, he seems so sincere that the only thing I could do is nod.

If Kataoka gets Isogai, I'll have Maehara. Until...

I'll have Maehara as long as I want!

Word Count: 1079

➦𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐲 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝖸.𝖨𝗌𝗈𝗀𝖺𝗂 & 𝖧.𝖬𝖺𝖾𝗁𝖺r𝖺Where stories live. Discover now