Chapter 17: Liberation

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274 I.C.
Black Sword Kingdom
Mines of Halidash

"Come here you little rat!" The words dripped with disgust. Gard moved toward a form in the corner of the dark, dirty room. The only light came from a dying torch on the wall Gard had brought with him. Gard was a large brute of a man with fat lips and foul breath. His hand went to the whip hung at his right hip and pulled it from its tie. "You're going to learn a final lesson," he said, "a lesson you can take to the darkness with you."

A boy in his early teens curled tighter into the ball he had rolled into when Gard backhanded him. Gard snapped his whip over his right shoulder and back down, bringing the stinging, familiar snap to the boy's ears. The whip tore into his flesh adding to the many scars across his back.

"You think you can escape me?" Gard yelled at the prone boy, "You will never escape from this place!" Gard brought the whip down again and again. The boy was engulfed in pain. He knew he was not going to survive. Gard would finish him this time.

"Come on rat!" Gard snarled, "Get up and fight me. Fight me with that pathetic face of yours. You're nothing but a lazy, slave vermin!"

The boy's name was Verdrin, and he was made a slave under Black Sword tyranny. Sadly, Gard told Verdrin that he was his father even though it was a lie. The man treated him harshly, and Gard made him a slave in the very place he was the slave master. Verdrin did not understand why Gard hated him so much, but he believed it had something to do with his mother.

Eight years had passed in the mines, and Verdrin was living the only life he had ever really known. Gard told him he had taken Verdrin from his mother after killing her. His life was one of misery, hard labor, and pain in the Mines of Halidash. Gard enjoyed calling him vermin to make fun of his name.

Through the snapping of the whip and the agony, Verdrin could hear the sounds of swords clashing, yells of triumph and battle, and cries of death coming closer. The simple slave did not understand what was happening when the sounds began. When Gard came running into his room, Verdrin thought his father was coming to bring him to fight.

The slaves had been taught a little about sword wielding, to help them fight the whimpering creatures in the mines. Gard had other evil plans for Verdrin, the slave, who saw his fourteenth winter season.

Gard knew he did not have much time, for the mines were under attack. The attacking force overwhelmed the outpost's defenses and slew the Black Sword garrison. They attacked in the middle of the night, in a surprise move. The garrison was aware of the force coming in from the west, but had not been able to dispatch a call for reinforcements.

As Verdrin began to drift into unconsciousness a loud clang resounded through the room. Gard turned towards the iron bound door and laughed. His voice carried a defiant note, "Come on! Come and get me!" The door cracked as a massive blow slammed into it. Gard turned toward Verdrin who lifted his head slightly towards the deafening noise. "Look rat, just as you're about to reach the safety of your dung hole." The whip fell from Gard's hand as he ran towards the boy. Gard's foot landed in Verdrin's ribs. The cracking noise and pain sent Verdrin into the familiar darkness.

Gard pulled a knife from his belt and grabbed the boy at his feet. He lifted the youth by his hair and slung him around in front of him. The knife went to the boy's throat as the door exploded from another massive blow. The iron bands rang as they hit the stone floor and slid. Figures rushed into the room as Gard bellowed, "Want to save slaves do ya?" Gard eyed the armored men in front of him with deep hatred.

The first man wore shining armor, plate mail. His brown hair was pulled back into a large braid, as was the custom of a Knight of Ordain. Blood marred his armor and dripped from his two-handed bastard sword leveled at Gard. The second man was not a man, but a dwarf warrior. His dwarven armor was plate, with intricate designs engraved into it. A large double bladed battle axe was held ready. The other figures were lost in the darkness from Gard's sight.

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