MathHead delivered his program as promised & it was successful in disrupting their quantum communication much better than we had hoped it would in our trial lab tests. Two weeks later we had 15 trillion lighter than air nanobots the size of raindrops ready for deployment throughout earth's upper and lower atmosphere. Col. Peach called for an emergency meeting with the aliens under the guise of capitulation to the prevent a conflict on a global scale that she would surely not be victorious in at least in the short run.
As soon as the meeting commenced Col. Peach gave the aliens an ultimatum as follows: "Cease all Earth operations & transfer control of said operations to human control, unless you are willing to work with us rather than exploiting us and our resources, share non-lethal technology and make the same agreement with all other planets you have exploited to date in a timely manner." "And we also have recently become aware that your liberators and occupiers are actually working together". The aliens looked at each other then looked at Col Peach and said, "Why would we make any such agreement?" Col. Peach punched in a code on her tablet that deployed and activated the nanobots.
Instantaneously the aliens got this confused look on their faces and started staring at each other with this worried/scared demeaner. Col. Peach said, "That's us, we have effectively made your intra-personal communication useless and have made plans to give this tech to the galaxy at large unless we have meaningful talks and agreements forthwith." The aliens did not say a word, they looked lost. Col. Peach said," Go now and talk with your superiors in the old way, you have 48 hours to get back to me before I put this tech in everyone's hand." They stumbled to stand up and walked out still confused and speechless.
As they walked away Col. Peach got this rarely seen big smile on her face and said, "Bring me that math guy so I can thank him personally". Her assistant went to retrieve him and came back about an hour later reporting that he had left shortly after verifying the the program and bots were functional and operational. The assistant said the engineers told him he said, "Thanks for the fun guys, don't call me" and that he seemed bummed out about something, and the chopper dropped him at the edge of the woods.
The aliens returned two days later and agreed to change their entire modus operandi because a loss of resources would throw them back to pre tech ages. They would not know how to survive. This was a good day; we now have an alliance that is mutually beneficial to all parties plus an exchange of cultures and languages from around the galaxy. I hope it lasts 10,000 years...
Science FictionA sci-fi story about a burn victim getting a new body