Sun returns to Earth with Chad for a meeting with the Secretary and her staff...
Sun Chun Si: "First of all let's get this whole eight-month long time loop accident out of the way; I'm sorry, okay? It was a freak accident; it could have happened to anybody (well almost anybody). All of my research & development with that particular program is ready to be downloaded and shared with the entire community." Secretary Peach immediately calls for a short recess and pulls Sun aside explaining to her that Earth's scientist must receive that data first since she is a citizen of Earth, and they will determine when and how much data is passed on for assimilation to the other members of the Planetary Commission. Although Sun already knows the answer, she asks the Secretary "Isn't that contrary to the Commission's original charter about the importance of the free flow of technology to preserve a level playing field so no one member has an advantage over the others?"
The Secretary's military background is influencing her in that she is looking for a strategic advantage. The Planetary Commission has been to best thing to happen to all the member's populations ever, not just the tech tech but food sustainability, air quality, transportation, health... just everything and what the Secretary is now suggesting might cause a domino effect among the member planets and Sun can see that so clearly since she had always planned from day one on sharing her tech, she just didn't want to deal with the bureaucratic maze she would have to go through to get permits and Earth's government constantly looking over her shoulder. Sun agreed to the Secretary's terms but planned to expose her when the Commission meets later that day because she had jaw dropping new tech in the pipeline that had the capability of affecting not only our galaxy but all galaxies everywhere!
The Secretary calls the meeting to order and after a few administrative duties she introduces the by now well-known Sun Chun Si to explain the time loop that affected everyone in the room.
Sun: "At the center of every galaxy is a massive black hole where the gravitational pull is so great that even light cannot escape which has always puzzled me since light quanta (photons) theoretically have no mass and gravity acts on mass. I have theorized through extensive research and statistics that each of these massive black holes is actually a doorway to another universe not a parallel universe, which I highly doubt the existence of, but an entirely separate universe completely independent of ours. The reason why passage between universes to date is impossible is that once an object enters the event horizon it is compressed so infinitely small as to be destroyed beyond redemption to its original state. I have a solution to safe travel between universes which I am ready to share..."
Secretary Peach pounds the gavel calling for a recess! Sun protests and tells the members of the Secretary's plan to keep the details of very important tech from them. All remaining members insist that Sun must be allowed to finish her speech. The Secretary has no choice but to agree and then whispers in Sun's ear "I will have you brought up on charges and you will spend the rest of your life in prison". Sun looks at her and smiles...
Science FictionA sci-fi story about a burn victim getting a new body