When Life Doesn't Go Your Way

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(Weekend, 12:30pm, Bakugo's dorm room)

Kaminari's POV:
I had woken up before Bakugo and find out that he was sick quickly as he was very hot and sweating a lot, so I moved quickly and got a cold cloth on his forehead quickly as I was worried about him. I walked out of the dorm room going downstairs to get Bakugo some water and something to eat for when he woke up again.

No one's POV:
Kaminari walked downstairs into the kitchen and started to make a little snack tray for Bakugo to have and some water in a glass as well as two water bottles. Momo and Jirou were also in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone.

Momo: Good morning Kaminari

Jirou: Hey Denki

Kamianri: Hey girls, I can't really talk right now, I'm trying to help Bakugo get better cause he"s sick and not feeling well, He's burning up and is also coughing as well

Jirou: Poor guy, me and Momo can come help you in a few minutes if you want us to?

Kaminari: That would help me a lot as I don't really want to do it alone

Momo: I can make him some soup and then Jirou you can help me find some medicine

Jirou: Okay you go help him out until we get up there okay Kaminari

kaminari: Thanks girls your the best

Jirou and Momo: Thanks Kaminari

"Kaminari headed back upstairs and into Bakugo's dorm"

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"Kaminari headed back upstairs and into Bakugo's dorm"

(Bakugo's dorm)
Bakugo was still laying in his bed as he looked over seeing Kaminari and smiled

Kaminari: Hey sleepy head it's time to get up as he poked Bakugo on the cheek a few times

Bakugo: Would you please stop that, my face already hurts as much as it doesn't add to it Kaminari! "He coughed as he laid there looking at the roof and than back over to Kaminari

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Bakugo: Would you please stop that, my face already hurts as much as it doesn't add to it Kaminari! "He coughed as he laid there looking at the roof and than back over to Kaminari.

Kaminari: Calm down your going to be okay

Bakugo: Okay, okay, okay, thank you for the help

Kaminari: Your welcome, now I bought snacks for you

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