Things Don't Always Go Your Way

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(Dorms, 7:30Pm, Denki's dorm room)

Kaminari's POV:

I sat on my bed after getting all of my things from my mom's place and teared up as I sat alone. Bakugo was at his house with his family well I had stayed at the school unable to go home even though it was the weekend. I sat as I thought about what Katsuki was doing without me and how I felt so alone in my dorm without him. "I don't want to be alone anymore" I looked out my dorms window from where I sat on my bed and than laid down as I tried to get some much needed sleep.

 "I don't want to be alone anymore" I looked out my dorms window from where I sat on my bed and than laid down as I tried to get some much needed sleep

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Bakugo's POV:

I was sitting down at my dinning room table at my house as Emkia sat across from me. We were playing a game of cards and I was for sure going to win until she beat me for like the 7th time in a row. "Oh come on you pick winning!" I yelled at her as she took the cards putting them away. "Stop yelling before to wake up mom and dad!" She whispered to me from where she sat with the cards put away in there box. I looked at her and smirked as I stood up and walked over getting a bowl with leftover rice that he had reheated from the night before. He sat down at the table again as he started to eat his food. 

"So what do you want to do now?" I said to Emkia as was taking another bite of rice

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"So what do you want to do now?" I said to Emkia as was taking another bite of rice. "I don't know we're home alone well mom and dad are on that date." Emkia said back to me as she looked more unhappy about our parents being out of the house. I looked at her and smiled as I ate my rice and than finished cleaning my bowl and putting it back where I found it.  "Hey are you okay to stay here on your own well I go to see Sparky?" I looked at Emakia as I walked towards my room to get ready. She yelled back at me "Yeah go ahead Katsuki, I will be fine, I'm probably going to have my friend Akuma come over anyway in a bit." I walked out of my room wearing a nice outfit for the day and looked at Emkia. "How do I look?" I said with a bit of a spin for Emkia to see my outfit. She just looked at me well she stood there. 


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