Where do I go next with this story?

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Guys I know that this story has not been updated for awhile, but I have been busy and I also don't know where to go from where I left off, so leave me some idea's in the comments

(April 13th 2023)
(Small update)
Okay good news, I'm going to start to try and write the next chapter to this story, yay me as I have taken way to long of a break, so be ready when book two finally hits Wattpad yay!


(December 12 2023)
(Small update, but also a very big one at the same time)

Okay in good news, I hope to post more to this story soon as I now have an A03 account. So follow me there because I am posting here still, but soon I may stop using wattpad and my stories will only be on A03. 

My account is going to be linked right here, but also hopefully on more of my current stories. So please be sure to follow!

A03 account - https://archiveofourown.org/users/Countrygirl2006 

If that doesn't work just search the name Countrygirl2006 and you should be able to find me. Mainly just look at the story titles because I have some stories from here already on my account. 

That's all for now hopefully you see this update and can join me in reading some new stuff on A03.

My new writing adventure starts now still here on wattpad, but also on A03! 


Update 11 August 2024

I am going to start to try and make the next part to this story very soon as it has taken me some time to get things in order, both with my writing and everyday life. 

So welcome to my last update here on this story cause the next one will be out once I get started more into it. Smiles and loves all of you! 


(Update 15 August 2024)

First some dates are most likely wrong for the updates, but updates are updates and this one is smaller, but also just here for anyone who reads this story. 

I am slowly working on book two! So if we can get this book up to at least 500 readers! I will be posting either the first 2 or 3 chapters of the second book to this series!

Yay! So it all comes down to how many viewers I get here now!

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