Friends or Foes?

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(2 months, dorms, 1:40pm)

Bakugo's POV:

I woke up as I laid in my own bed in my dorm room. I was on my own as Sparky and I had a fight a few days ago and he kicked me out of his room and we hadn't talked for at least a week. He wouldn't talk to me at all to the point that I walked out of the dorms today not thinking and went into town walking down the sidewalk as I teared up for the 100th time this week. I missed talking to Sparky and I knew he did to, but he wouldn't come out of his dorm whenever I tried. I was walking as I didn't that I had walked into the darker side of town where villains and bad people would be around. I walked into an alleyway not thinking as I leaned against the wall and sighed. "He's never going to let me talk to him again, he's way to made at me and I thought that we could make it though that fight without breaking up, but he broke up with me, so I can't say anything." I looked around in the alleyway as I pulled out some gum and started crewing it. At least my gum was happy with me. I snickered at that. I sat down against the wall feeling alone and helpless as I had no one to talk to and no one really likes the guy who's always yelling at them for no reason.

Kaminari's POV:

I sat in my dorm holding onto my pillow tightly, Bakugo had made me really upset when he started yelling at me for not being allowed at home and also knowing that I hadn't told him that I was stuck at the dorms because my mother wouldn't let me come home until I wasn't with him anymore. I was crying a lot this week as I missed Bakugo, but knew that I could never love him again after what he had done. So I locked myself in my dorm not talking to anyone at all this passed week. I knew that things were only going to get worse after this and I knew that people would start talking about me behind back my back and the giggles and trash talk about me would start all over again. 

Bakugo's POV:

I sat against the wall of the alleyway still as I started to hear something coming towards me and stood up quickly as I made my flames into a shield. "Stay away whoever you are!!" I yelled with everything I had left in me. "Hey no need to shoot flames at me, I think I already have enough burns to feel right now." Dabi walked towards me as he smirked. I moved back and tried to get away, but I couldn't as I fell through one of the warp gates made by the villain Kurogiri. I fell through right into a cage as the door closed on me I grabbed hold of the bars as I looked around I find that I was at the league of villains hideout. 

Kaminari's POV:

I was still in my room when I got a text from Izuku telling everyone to come downstairs to the living room of course I didn't go as I just wanted to be alone and someone would tell me what was going on later as the girls had been leaving food at my door anyways for the week because I wouldn't come out of my room on my own. I sat on my bed thinking about how everyone else here at the dorms and class 1-A had a family to go home to well I was stuck at my mom's house or to be real, I was stuck at the dorms. I was at least able to call my mother back the other day as she was asking me about how it was going and if I had broken up with Bakugo yet, which I told her yes and she then started talking to me again, but still didn't want me coming home anytime soon. So I waited in my dorm room until someone was going to finally come and try to get me out of it. A little bit in my mind was going to hope it would be Bakugo, but I also just wanted it to be one of my classmates that weren't Bakugo.

(LOV hideout) 

Bakugo's POV: 

I sat in the cage feeling helpless as I watched the leader Shigaraki around the cage, he had moved me into some kind of lab as I sat there watching him. I was afraid and also a bit happy to get away from the dorms and all of the drama that was going on, but I was also in fear that I was about to be drugged or even worse killed by one of the league members.

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