The Day Things Got Better

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No one's POV:

Pro heroes Deku, Shoto and Chargebolt bought in the boy from 3 years ago today and he is at the police station getting questioned as well as jail time, but he has been hard to get talking as Chargeblot was in charge of his questioning. Kaminari sat in the room in front of Bakugo waiting for him to start talking. Bakugo sat with handcuffs on and in one of the two rooms where questioning was done. Kaminari looked at Bakugo as he waited because Bakugo wasn't even looking at him as he sat on the other chair at the table.

Bakugo's POV:

I sat there looking away from Kaminari. I didn't want to talk to him as I was unable to if I did He would probably hate me for sure more than he did right now. This is the first time in 3 years I had seen him and was afraid about what he would say to me after I told him what I had been doing this whole time. I just sat there as he looked at me. I was trying to find a way out, but there was no way out the room as the door was locked and the mirror was most likely a one way window where someone was watching me and Kaminari. I looked at him and said "What do you want to know?" I looked at him as I talked I was afraid and I didn't say anything else as I waited for him to answer my question.

Kaminari's POV:

I sat there waiting and watched him closely as I waited still for Bakugo to start talking. He finally looked at him and asked "What do you want to know?" He looked at me not saying anything else as he looked to be in a panic. I looked at him and started to think about how I would answer him or if I even should or not. I waited for a moment before I said to him "I want to know why you joined the league? Why did you have to disappear for so long? Why not call and tell me you were okay?" I looked at him as I sighed. Bakugo just looked at me as he thought to himself. I knew he was thinking as I didn't know from being his boyfriend for over 2 months of my life. I watched him waiting for his answers and I also was thinking to myself why was I the one picked to talk to him out of all the hero's and pros out there.

Bakugo's POV:

I looked at Kaminari as he asked me his questions and sighed as I thought to myself "The fuck am I supposed to tell him that I'm not myself right now and can't talk for myself as the drugs that Shigarki's used on me for these past years were strong and I wish that I could be free of them. But it was to strong, so well I sat there I told him what I could, but my body and mind were broken because of the LOV. "I didn't come back because I couldn't Sparky, I was being held there as a hostages until I chose to join them, I stayed out of the open as I was just a new member at the beginning and than I became the boss of the LOV. I couldn't leave after that as I was the most powerful in the group." I stopped as I began coughing the drugs hold on me was to strong and I was held back from talking to Kaminari now as I stayed quiet looking at him.

Kaminari's POV:

I looked at Bakugo and stood walking over beside him. I put my hand on his shoulder as I was worried now about him. He didn't seem to be in too much pain from what I could see. But I knew that I had to help him before someone took him away to the prison. "Hey calm down it's going to be okay." I put my hand on his cheek as I used my other arm and hand to hug him. Bakugo leaned his head on me as he started to calm down and the coughing stopped, he had just passed out on my shoulder. I moved and sat him down on the floor next to me, he still had the handcuffs on as he leaned on me passed out from whatever he had been doing before being bought to the police station.

(Hour later)

No one's POV:

Bakugo and Kaminari stayed in the questioning room together for a long time before Bakugo slowly woke up seeing Kaminari beside him at first he was afraid, but then he looked at Kaminari and smiled. "Your a big dummy" He said as he slowly stood up and walked back over the table siting down waiting for kaminari to wake up again.

Bakugo's POV:

I sat there watching Kaminari as I didn't know what else to do other than sit at the table that was the only thing in the room other then chairs and Kaminari himself. I sighed as I started to play around with the handcuffs well I waited. I thought I had almost hand the cuffs off before I was tapped on the shoulder by kaminari. "Don't do that as you will only make it worse then it already is Bakugo." He looked at me as he sat down again on the other side of the table. I watched him sit down as I sighed once more and looked at the window that I knew was there, but kept my mouth shut as I didn't need to be asked more questions, I needed help to get free of the drug. But I wasn't able to say anything about it as it hurt me on the inside when I tried to say anything.

Kaminari's POV:

I woke up seeing that Bakugo had moved and walked over tapping him on the shoulder as I sat down in my seat in front of him. I looked at him and told him not to play around with the cuffs as they were going to slowly hurt him the more he tired to get them off. I looked at him as I already knew something was off, but I was waiting for him to tell me himself other than me taking a guess at what happened or what is going with him.

No one's POV:

Bakugo and Kaminari sat looking at each other for hours on hours before Bakugo had started talking again.

Bakugo: I'm being controlled! He yelled before coughing the drug knowing what he had done and it was making him pay.

Kaminari: I knew something was wrong, but how Bakugo, How are you being controlled?!!! He looked at Bakugo worried as he grabbed Bakugo's hand and held it.

Bakugo shook his head unable to talk as he held onto Kaminari's hand tightly

Kaminari: You have to tell me so that I can help you Bakugo!!

Bakugo: It's some kind.......of drug......... He looked at Kaminari as he slowly let go of his hand falling onto the table in front of him passing out for the second time.

Kaminari: Bakguo!!!! He shook Bakugo trying to wake him up until he saw Shoto and Deku enter the room and walked over putting their hands on Kaminari's shoulders.

Shoto: We have no more time left, there coming to take him away

Deku: I wish there was more we could do, but Kanchan is a villain now and we can't do anything to stop it or change that outcome

Kaminari: We have to get him out of here than

Shoto and Deku: Are you crazy Kaminari?! We can't break a villain out of going to jail

Deku: I know that Kanchan is our friend or at least was our friend once we can't do anything to help him now. All we can do is stand any and watch.

Shoto: Let's go Kaminari

kaminari: Why would I leave him!!!?

Shoto: You have to

Two cops walked into the room and moved towards Bakugo, Kamnari stood up quickly and knocked out everyone in the room before picking up Bakugo and running outside the building into a nearby alleyway. I stayed there for awhile thinking about what I was going to do, I was a hero who had just taken a villain from almost going to jail. I went to my old hideout that I had made for myself years ago when I was younger and laid Bakugo down beside me after I had made myself something to drink. I sat with him in hopes that no one would find this place I called home now. This place was the only other home I had other then my mom's place or the dorms.

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