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Witch, burn those witches I heard voices not far. I didn't know why I feel so nervous an uneasy. I sprint across the burning house.

My Eyes went wide as I saw a woman look like in her 30's, a man that look like also 40's and a little girl about 7 or 8 years old, their tied up in a large log. In front of the burning house.

I push the people on the side, so I can be Infront of the crowd.

At one moment my eyes and the woman meet. My heart start raising as I saw her.

I don't know why. But she smile at me.

"Please spare our daughter, She's to young to died"the man cried.

"Yes, spared her. Please she didn't do anything, please have mercy" plead by the woman. The child can only cry for her life.

"No, you are all guilty. You all have to die" said the man that came forward.

"No, we didn't do anything. Vampires did this. Not us please believe me" explain by the father.

The man just smirk "your blaming someone for the things you had done, your so funny Chanyeol" said the seems to be the leader of this people.

"My husband is telling the truth, the did this because they wanted to take our son."

"Oh! Yes I remember now. You still have a son, where is he now? We also have to burn him alive" the man smile.

"They took him." Answer the woman

"What? Why are they taking him. He's just a normal witch like you" spit by the leader.

"Your wrong, my son is a powerful one, his not like us."

"Oh! Really. Thanks for the Information. If I found him. I will definitely make him like us"

I don't know but my blood boiled. Those people tied up, seems to be familiar to me.

I was not ready at what happened next.

That horrible man, stab the other man.

To my horror, I shouted loudly.

"Nooooo" then everyone was push far away by an invisible force. That force was strong I didn't saw where those people went.

There is only one thing on my mind right now, to rescue them. Évery one fly out as I walk pass them.

Everyone was almost out of sight. Except him.

That man turn around then he saw me. He let go of the knife that he use to stab the man.

"So your their son, but your not human anymore. Your a vampire, I can see it on your eyes. I will love to have you in my pack" that disgusting man said to me.

"Fuck off, get away from that man" I command. That bastard seems to be obeying me. He's eye's looks dead.

I didn't know why but in my horror I said this words. "Kill your self" I said.

The man, grab the knife from the ground and he stab it to his neck. I saw his blood begun to ooze from his neck, he fall in the ground.

I put my hands on my mouth I was shock at the scene.

"Father! father" a boy said while he was running towards his pale father.

"Father, wake up." He sob against his father chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" I said that almost whisper.

That child look at me with a red eyes. "Your a murderer, I know you did it. Your a witch" the child shouted.

"No, I'm not" I said as I was stun to speak.

But I was awaken when a child grab my hands. And said "let's go oppa, Don't worry appa is still alive" I look at her. She was the child that was once in the tied from the log.

I let my self walk and follow this little girl, I look again at the child that still crying at his father chest.

"Yeong-ae, Seokjin. Let's go" said the woman that holding the man that been stab.

Who are they?

Is my name really Seokjin?

Are they really my family?

Am I the one that they talk about? The one that was taken by vampires?

Why did they take me? Why I have this powers?

Who am I?

Did I kill someone?

I hope they can answer all my questions.

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