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Many years had pass, it's almost a century. Its been 92 year's since I woke up from my deep slumber under that muddy hole.

I didn't get my memories back, i lost with mortality.

I accepted my self, for being a blood sucking gorgeous handsome vampire.

My family help me get through this changes in me, they found a way to control my hunger in blood. We became so happy.

But every happiness came to an end.

Witches age slowly than a human, but they can't live forever. Unlike me, I've been 19 years old for 92 years.

We almost travel around the world, because we my parents knows we're still in danger.

We settle here in new Zealand.

We live peaceful here.

Our parents love this place.
They wanted to live and even die here.

I still remember that day. it was an evening at 1979

When those wolves found out where our location.

Good thing my parents came prepared, they give us potion, that we drunk so that the wolves can't smell or sense us. They also given us a new passport and identity. They kiss us goodbye before
Were teleported outside our house. Remember the cold winter night, just like I woke up from that pit.

We hidden to the bush.

I told my sister to be quiet and not make a move.

We wish for our parents safety, and they will come back to us.

But, the horrible night happened.

10 wolves came in to our house, I could here my mother scream. I hold my sister ears with my hands to muffled sound of their scream. I don't want my sister to here and witness this that's why I just hug her. I can here her silent sobs.

Then I here the last incantation and last words of my father

"Ignis tempestas" he shouted at the top of his lungs. I was shock to here that. I can't believe my father release the one of the most powerful spell. The fire storm.

The cloud went black, the ground started to shake. Then those wolves was scared for their lives, they wanted to get out from our house but the spell was been said. There is nothing can stop it.

The wolves the came out from the house was stuck of a giant fire ball that constantly pouring like rain.

Inside the house, Chanyeol was lying in a cold floor, he was smiling to heard those wolves screaming in pain. But he knows that even it's him that unleashed that curse
He was also not safe from it.

On his last energy left, he slowly crawl towards his wife's dead body. He hold her hands for a last time.

He close his eyes and then use his telepathic powers to send message to his children.

Seokjin, Young-un I'm so sorry we can't keep up our promise, to stay with the two of you. The destiny was not on our side. But I wanted to say this to both of you. Me and your mother is happy that we have two wonderful children. But you must be strong, don't give up and be happy always. We love you so much. Goodbye.

Then the message end there. The giant fire ball fall at our house. After that the night sky became so peaceful again, because theirs no one that was left alive in that house.

"Nooooo" I scream in horror.
I was going to run, but I was stop by a hands on my shirt.

"Oppa, don't"  my sister said with her trembling voice.

She was scared, because she saw what our house looks now. Our house was builth in the middle of the mountain. We don't want anyone to see or bother us, so we pick this location. It was peaceful here. We have a small cottage. It was nice to live here.

But after that fire storm our house is almost flatten to the ground. The big magma rock was still above the house. Theirs are lots of dead wolves body that has been burn. We can still smell those burn corpse's.

"Oppa, let's go" my little sister said.

"Where?" I ask my sister.

"To where we should be" said by my sister as she wears a small smile.

I'm proud of my sister she is so strong, and I should too. I'm not afraid anymore

We will go back to where it started. KOREA

3 days before my birthday.

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