Chapter 1: Ash

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That's all I saw.

That's all I could smell.

It was everywhere.

I couldn't breathe.

I coughed again and again, trying to crawl somewhere, anywhere safe from the flames. I pulled my body away from the stage just as a giant burnt beam fell behind me. I gasped and screamed in shock.

I weased, desperately trying not to breathe in the smoke. I felt lightheaded as I looked around. Not too long ago people were screaming, now there was no one. No one was coming to save me, I had to save myself.

**3 years before**

"Layla Rose Barker, get down here!" mother yelled, she was around 5'7 with blonde hair and green eyes, like mine. I rolled my eyes and stuffed the romance novel I was reading in one of the many bags I had packed.

Then, I ran over to the stairs and leaned over the the wooden railing. "I can't carry them all mother," I replied, thinking of the 7 or so bags I had sitting in my room. I heard her yell for someone, then start up the stairs.

As soon as she reached me she ran over and hugged me, tears welling in her eyes. "Do you have to go, my dear?" She asked sadly. I knew she thinking about my father, who passed away five years ago. I took a deep breath.

"Stop mummy, or you'll make me cry too," I said, my voice wavering, and my eyes threatening to water. She pulled me close and hugged me again as Francis came up the stairs.

He was a gardner my mother hired and was about 5'9 with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. He looked to be around my mom's age, 45, but I've never asked.

I smiled as he patted her on the shoulder, sympatheticly.

I know some may think it's too early after my father's death to move on, but they've been flirting ever since she hired him. Besides, I'm leaving and someone has to take care of her.

I turned and grabbed one of my travel bags as Francis and my mother traded shy smiles.

As I walked downstairs, I saw Shelly, Francis's daughter, through the window picking apples. I threw the bag I was carrying on the floor and ran outside. I tackled her as soon as I reached her. "I'm gonna miss you sooo much shell," I said hugging her. "Can't breathe," she said laughing.

We both burst into a fit of giggles. "Your dad's up there helping my mooom," I stated, wiggling my eyebrows a little. "Good, maybe they'll finally get together," she sighed. I nodded my head, agreeing. A window opened above us.

"Layla, come get your bags! We're not gonna carry them all by ourselves!" I heard her yell out the window. I got up and we both ran inside, giggling.

Shelly and I have been trying to get our parents together ever since they moved here last year. I told Shelly about my dad and she told me how her mom died when she was 6, ten years ago. She showed me a picture of her, she was beautiful with red-orange wavy hair, just like Shelly's, but green eyes as apposed to Shelly's brown. She says she doesn't really remember anything about her, besides her name, Madeline.

I shook myself out of my daze and grabbed my bag. After putting it in the brown and gold-swirled carriage, I ran up the stairs towards my room. I grabbed the dress off my bed, I picked it out this morning, and changed into it. It was my favorite one, white with patches all along it and long sleeves. *Picture below*

I tied my curly dark brown hair in a half ponytail, with one of my blue ribbons, and pulled some hair out to frame my face

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I tied my curly dark brown hair in a half ponytail, with one of my blue ribbons, and pulled some hair out to frame my face.

Then I looked around my room for anything I may have missed in my initial packing. I saw a little picture of my dad and grabbed it. He was tall, exactly 6', with brown wavy hair and green eyes.

I walked down the long wooden staircase for the last time and put the last bag in the back of the carriage.

I turned around to face Shelly, Francis, and my mom, Beatrice. They all looked like they'd never see me again. I chuckled and hugged Shelly, then my mom. I went to shake Francis's hand, but he pulled me into a hug instead.

Everyone was on the verge of tears, including me, as I chuckled again. "I'm just going to Paris, I'll see you all again soon," I said as I climbed into the carriage.

I turned back to look at my little family as the carriage rolled away. I wiped a stray tear and thought about the Opera House, Palais Garnier, in Paris, and how soon I would get to be an actual ballerina.

**Hey, the first chapters done. Hallelujah! Thank you all for reading. I know this chapter was kind of boring, but I thought it was better to get a little backstory on Layla instead of just jumping into it. The other chapters will be longer. See you next time ;) **

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