Chapter 3: Darkness

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**Present day**

*Erik's lair above*

We were midway through the second act of the opera we were preforming. Gerard, like the others, was running his hands down my torso as I looped my arms behind his head.

He tried to pull my face up to kiss me, but I turned away. Just as I did, I noticed Christine wasn't dancing with Petrovitch. She was dancing with the Phantom.

They started singing together, when suddenly she took off his mask. Some gasped, but I didnt think his deformity was that bad.

He suddenly cut the rope to the chandelier and we all ran.

I didn't see it hit the ground, but I heard it and I felt it. Glass shattering and making the ground shake.

And then it happened-


I knew I had to save myself. I looked around but there was no one. I felt a breeze and crawled towards it.

Suddenly I was falling down into darkness. Then all I remember was pain and my vision getting blurry.

I woke up with a start, sucking in air, and tried to stand. Hot pain shot through my head, making me cry out and sit back down.

I grabbed my forehead, when I felt something slick. In the faint light I saw blood covering my hand. I ripped off a loose piece of my dress and pressed it to the wound, wincing.

After looking around, and realizing I couldn't make it out the way I came in, I decided to venture into the tunnel.

"I hope there aren't any rats," I thought to myself.

I didn't have a light, so I walked with my left hand on the wall.

I walked for what seemed like miles in the darkness, when suddenly I saw a faint light up ahead.

"Hello?" I called out before realizing what I was saying. It echoed off the walls before vanishing.

"Let's see who's in there first, before we go announcing ourselves," I thought.

I crept closer and closer, my blood pounding in my ears.

*Erik's pov*

"How dare she!" I thought. "I propose and she throws it back in my face?"

"She loves Raoul, you know that," my inner voice said. I sighed and a tear fell onto my cheek.

"It was just nice not to be so alone, like always," I thought, sadly.

I heard a faint noise and scowled, putting on my mask.

Was the angry mob back?

I managed to lose them before, in the mazes down here, but they could always come back.

I picked up my sword and crept into a dark corner, waiting for whatever it was to come out into the light.


That's what was making all that light.

Hundreds of them. I marveled at the sight of them all. As I walked closer, I noticed a piano?

"Is someone living down here?" I asked myself.

I suddenly got scared. What if they're not friendly. I looked around but didn't notice anyone.

I walked up to the piano and sat down. I slowly reached across to touch the keys, when a voice came out of the darkness, frightening me.

"You shouldn't touch what isn't yours, little girl," a loud, deep, voice boomed. I swiveled my head towards it and saw the Phantom standing there, in the darkness.

This is the closest I've ever been to him. He slowly walked closer, into the light, and I could see him better.

He was wearing a black cape and a black and white mask on half his face. My eyes lingered there as I remembered what lay underneath.

"I'm not a little girl," I replied, shocking both of us with my bravery.

"I'm sorry I came into your home unannounced, but there was a fire at the opera, above us," I said standing up.

I could have imagined it, but he looked sympathetic.

"Are you ok?" I asked him looking more closely at his face. He had red, puffy eyes, like he was crying.

He looked startled for a moment, but eventually scowled.

"Why are you really down here? Did they send you here to spy on me!?" he yelled.

I flinched and shook my head. " told you.."

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" He screamed.

"I'm not," I whispered, tearing up. He took a few deep breaths, while I put my head down.

He suddenly turned away and I was left there, alone.

I turned to leave, when he walked back up to me with a cloth in his hand. He stepped closer to me as I stepped back.

Then, he slowly held out the cloth to me. I tentatively took it and stared at him, confused.

"Your head," he said simply, pointing at it.

I suddenly remembered the gash on my head I got when I fell.

I blushed and held the cloth to my wound, wincing.

"If you want I can take you to the surface," he said a little bashfully.

I smiled. "I would love that, thank you."

His lips twitched like he was attempting to smile as he turned away, presumably taking me to the surface.

I followed him through the darkness, turn after turn, until we finally arrived at a gate.

He went to unlock it, but frowned instead. I stepped around him and instantly my little bit of hope was crushed.

The ceiling had fallen in and debris was piled up, blocking the only exit.

I felt like crying, but knew it wouldn't help anything. So instead, I turned towards the Phantom.

"Is there any other way out?" I asked hopefully.

He looked grim. "Only this one, and the way you came down," he replied.

I frowned, thinking. There was no way to escape through there. I was feeling a little trapped, when he spoke up again.

"You can stay here, for now, until you find another way to the surface." He turned around and walked back, expecting me to follow.

"Oh, I never introduced myself. Forgive me for being so rude," I said suddenly when we arrived back at his lair.

He looked at me with an eyebrow raised as I stuck out my hand.

"Layla Rose Barker, and you are?" I asked.

"You're very forward, aren't you?" He walked away, leaving me there.

"Erik," was all he said as I hurried to catch up.

**Finally, they meet! Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. Until next time! Bye ;) **

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