Chapter 6: Closer

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I woke up to another mess by the piano. I sighed and decided to clean it up. It's the least I can do since he's letting me stay here.

Erik walked in as I was picking up a broken glass.

I got distracted thinking of what I should say after we almost kissed and cut my finger.

Erik gasped and started panicking. He ran around digging in drawers and pulled out a white handkerchief.

I stifled a giggle and let him take my hand.

He pressed the kerchief to my cut and winced at the blood he saw.

He akwardly avoided eye contact with me and whispered when he finally spoke.

"I'm sorry."

I shook my head at him.

"You don't have anything to apologize for."

He smiled thinly at me and sat the handkerchief on a table beside him.

"I'm sorry for...," he shuffled around "...what happened yesterday."

Adorable, I thought.

"It's fine, don't worry..." I trailed off and gathered my courage for what I was going to say next.

"I kind of hoped you would..." I said, blushing furiously.

"Kiss me that is," I finished quietly and warily glanced at Erik.

He had a shocked look on his face, like he couldn't believe anyone would ever want to kiss him.

I was about to start babbling about how I was only kidding when he pulled me towards him.

For a second I thought he was angry and then I felt something hot on my lips.

I opened my eyes, not realizing I had closed them, and quickly shut them again.

I hoped he wouldn't notice how inexperienced I was as I carefully slid my hand through his silky hair.

He had one arm around my waist while his  other was stroking my cheek.

At first he only pecked my lips, but as he realized I wanted this too he started to kiss me longer and deeper.

He tentatively licked my lips while he was kissing me, causing me to giggle as I opened my mouth to him.

He let his tounge dance across mine as he slowly rubbed circles on my back.

He abruptly pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.

"I've wanted to do that since the moment I met you," he said, looking into my eyes reverently.

I laughed and hugged him.

"Surely not from the first moment we met, I had just fallen down a tunnel."

He chuckled and nuzzled into my neck.

"Of course, you're the most beautiful and kind woman I've ever known."

I wanted so badly to believe him, but all I could think of was that he had met Christine first.

I pulled away.

"What about Christine? I know she's an amazing ballerina and even I'll admit that she's pretty beautiful."

He pulled my chin up to look at him and I realized I had tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm crying, but what you said about me was wrong. I'm not kind at all. I'm jealous. Jealous of Christine and her talent and how everyone loves her."

Including you, I thought.

Erik wiped my tears away and slowly kissed me.

"You, my dear, are more talented and beautiful than she could ever hope to be. I don't love her. I thought I did, but what I felt for her pales in comparison to how I feel about you."

I felt a rush of affection and pulled him down to my lips.

He was slow at first, like always, but quickly became more urgent.

Every time he touched me I felt sparks and warmth.

I wanted to stay like that, with his lips on mine, but I had to pull away to breathe.

We both sat there, panting, while we were staring at each other.

I noticed that he hadn't taken his mask off in some time now.

I slowly felt around the edges with my fingertips as he shuttered.

As I lifted the mask from his face he caught my arm.

"Are you sure you want to do that Layla?" He asked warily.

I smiled and pulled his mask free.

I held it in my hands and continued to smile at him as he tried to cover his face with his hands.

Tears sprung to my eyes as I wondered how terrible people must have been to him.

I pulled his hands away from his face and, starting with his lips, began to kiss his face.

When I got to his right side I made sure to kiss every inch slowly, and softly.

When I got to his cheek I noticed he had tears streaming down his face.

I kisses his lips and he buried his face in my neck.

"Thank you," was all he said as we both sat there and cried.

He cried because someone had finally accepted him and I cried because no one had before.

When we were both finished and had dried each other's tears, Erik picked me up and brought me to his bed.

I worried that he might leave, like every other time, but he laid down beside me and pulled me into his arms.

I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat with his hand drawing circles on my back.


I woke up to a wonderful warmth surrounding me. I sighed and snuggled into it as it chuckled at me.

Confused, I looked up to find myself face to face with Erik.

He gently kissed my lips and pulled me closer to him.

Aww, he's a cuddler, I thought.

"You're like a little kitten when you sleep."

He pulled away and flashed me a mischievous grin.

I was surprised and delighted to find this new side to him.

"I'm going to call you my little kitten." He said triumphantly and nuzzled back into my neck.

I laughed and tried to think of a good nickname for him.

"What about Phantom?"

He looked appalled, making me giggle.




He shook his head at all of them and began to kiss my neck to distract me.

I smacked him lightly with a pillow as he had a betrayed look on his face.

"My little kitten has turned on me, whatever shall I do?" He cried.

We both burst out laughing as I laid down on his chest.

A realization hit me as I was falling asleep. Even though I hadn't know him that long, I had fallen in love with him.

** What do you think is a good nickname for him? Comment down below. Sorry it took so long to upload another chapter. I was a little busy, but here it is, chapter 6. There's only going to be 4 more chapters, so enjoy. Bye ;) **

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