Chapter 7: Day After Day

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A week had past since I had my first kiss with Erik. A lot had changed since then.

We spent every night in each other's arms. Erik was also more open now, kissing me any chance he got.

The mysterious man Erik mentioned before dropped a week's worth of food for us. I thought about screaming for help but he was already gone.

Erik had tried to clear the blockage, but at the slightest touch the whole thing threatened to collapse.

I missed my family terribly, but for now I was content to stay with Erik.


Our days consisted of him playing piano while I was practicing ballet.

When he grew bored he would pick me up, interrupting whatever I was doing, and throw me gently on our bed.

Then he would either tickle or kiss me until I agreed to teach him a game I knew or recite a poem or passage I had once read.

At night, wrapped in his arms with his face buried in my neck, was the only time he would tell me about his past.

He always got a cold, far away look in his eyes when he recalled it.

He told me about his parents, who tortured him and called him a demon child. They sold him to the circus as a freak when he was young.

He also told me about the bag they had him wear over his head and how people threw things at him.

What surprised me the most was that Madame Giry was the one who had helped him. Any past grudge I may have held against her disappeared.


He told me one night that the mask was a comfort, so that no one had to see his disgusting face.

I grew angry then, at all those monstrous people. How dare they treat him that way!? How dare they make him feel less than the kind, amazing, beautiful person he is!?

He laughed when he say how upset I was and told me that I was 'just adorable'.

I kissed him deeply for a few moments, trying to vent my anger, before I ranted on about how he would never talk about himself like that again.

He smiled as I yelled at him and promised to try keep his mask off.


I woke up completely encased by Erik's arms. I laughed and kissed his forehead before getting up to stretch.

He was a very clingy person, which wasn't surprising since I was probably the first real relationship he had with someone.

I felt a terrible satisfaction that I was the only person in the world he loved.

I shook off these thoughts and did my business in the makeshift bathroom at the corner of the room before washing my hands.

Then I started on breakfast.

I thought it would be nice for him to wake up to a nice hot meal for a change.

There was enough to make a batch of muffins and surprisingly enough, fresh fruit.

I scooped some water from a little stream, to drink, and set everything on the table.

Since Erik wasn't awake yet I decided to go ahead and eat and get a head start on practice.

Erik told me that I was wonderful, though I fear he was only saying that to make up for never noticing me before.

As I was in the middle of my warm-ups, I saw a peculiar light streaming through the tunnel I fell through so many nights ago.

I decided to investigate, thinking, at worst, I would only wasted an hour of my time.

As I cautiously stood directly underneath the passage, I noticed why Erik insisted we couldn't escape from here.

It had to be at least a 10 foot drop.

Surely I must've rolled, I thought. I would've been injured if I hadn't.

I looked at where the light was coming from and noticed that there was a crack in the wreckage from the fire.

If we could somehow climb up there, we could get out! I thought.

I felt lighter than I had in days at the prospect of finally going back home.

I smiled and imagined introducing Erik to my mother, Shelly, and Francis.


Erik's Pov

This last week had been the most amazing week of my life.

I always thought that Christine was the key to my happiness, but that all that changed when I met Layla.

I realized that whatever I felt for Christine wasn't real. But what I now have with Layla is something I never thought I'd have.

I smiled and reached over to pull her closer when my hand only hit the mattress.

I looked around, confused, and noticed that she wasn't in bed with me.

I yawned and almost reached for my mask but, remembering what happened the other day with Layla, decided to leave it off.


Padding out to the kitchen, I noticed the delicious smell of muffins.

I suddenly realized that all my life, I had never had anyone cook breakfast for me.

I shook my thoughts off and smiled, imagining my little kitten covered in flour, then sat down to enjoy my homemade breakfast.

After eating, I decided to find Layla.

I was hoping she would teach me another game.

I especially loved learning more about her childhood and her family.

She wanted to introduce me to everyone she knew after we left, but I was sceptical about going.

I grew up down here and was scared to leave.

I also worried what her family would think of me. Would they think I was a monster? Would they take her away from me?

I was hoping to convince her to stay with me, even though I knew she wanted to leave.

I got a cold feeling in my stomach when I couldn't find her and ran to the blocked exit.

After thoroughly checking that she wasn't there, I walked back to the kitchen.

Layla jumped up from her chair and hugged me. I stumbled back, surprised, as she bounced up and down on her feet.

"I found a way out!" She exclaimed as the cold feeling returned at full force.

She was leaving me, was all I could think as I frowned.

**I decided to release two chapters this weekend since I hadn't released any in a while. So, enjoy. In the meantime you can check out my other book Lighter Than Secrets. Bye ;) **

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