Chapter 8: Leaving

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As I hugged Erik, I could feel him stiffen. I jumped back, worried I had overstepped.

"Sorry," I mumbled, rubbing my arms and staring at the ground.

Before I could say more he pulled me back into his strong arms.

"Don't fret my kitten, I'm only curious about what the future holds."

I pulled out of his warm embrace to look into his eyes.

"He doesn't think I would leave him after all this time, does he?" I wondered.

I thought back to all the people who had left Erik and hoped he didn't think I would do the same.

"You know I would never leave you behind, don't you?" I asked, nervous for some reason.

He smiled at me. A simple act that caused me to melt a little inside.

"I'll admit I'm glad to have some reassurance, though I don't want you to think I don't trust you, I just wanted to be sure that..."

I pulled him into a kiss to interrupt him and smiled when I saw his cheeks redden.

Is he actually blushing!?

I giggled while he cleared his throat.

"Now, is there anything here we could use to construct a rope?"

Erik thought for a moment while I paced back and forth.

"That's not helping me think faster, kitten," he said in a slightly annoyed tone.

I stopped.

"You're not thinking of using my sheets are you, those were extremely expensive and I'd hate to get them dirty," he said sounding so pretentious I burst out laughing.

"I'm afraid that's our only option, unless you can find something else,"

He started to walk back to the liar as I rolled my eyes and followed.

As he started to frantically dig around I contemplated.

"I wish there was a way to get a rope and some kind of hook. That way only one of us would have to climb up with the rope and attach it once they reached the top. Then all all they'd have to do is throw it down"

I suddenly realized exactly how to solve our rope problem.

"Erik, your mystery man," I shouted.

He didn't seem to understand until I pointed at the food.

"Why don't you go and ask him to fetch what we need."

He had a determined look in his eyes as he said his next sentence.

"Why don't I have him get us out of here instead," he said holding up a bag of coins.


I flipped on my side to get more comfortable, causing Erik to pull me back into his arms.

"What are you doing kitten? Go back to sleep," he mumbled.

I let out a breath and laid my head back against him.

Erik said that since the mystery man wouldn't be back for a few days, that we should start packing for the journey.

I of course had only my ruined dress and a spare that Erik had lying around.

When I asked him where he had gotten it he hesitantly replied that it was originally for Christine.

I was slightly jealous but when he wrapped his arms around me, kissed my neck, and assured me that she never wore it, I got over it.

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