Chapter 5: Memories

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I was reaching out for Erik's mask, wondering why he always covered his face. The first time I saw him without it I was surprised, not repulsed.

As my finger brushed his mask he looked up at me. We both froze, looking into each other's eyes.

Finally he looked away, grabbing his mask. "I'm afraid you would be sickened if you saw what atrocities I hide under this mask."

I slowly and carefully put my fingers under his chin and turned his head back to look at me.

"With all do respect, you have no idea what's going on inside my head," I said smiling, so he knew my words held no malice.

He looked down as I carefully lifted his mask off.

Before I could even take a second look, he turned away from me. I held his mask, waiting for him to open up, even if just a little.

After a while he carefully turned. I thought he would be angry like before, but what I saw in his gaze was more frightened than anything.

He's scared. He's terrified I'll hate him because of this.

I was suddenly on the verge of tears. How horrible people must have been to him.

I smiled at him and held his mask up. He took it and put it on. "You're not...repulsed?"

I had to stop myself from hugging him. "No, not even a little."

We stood there smiling at each other. I hope one day he'll feel comfortable enough around me to leave that mask off.


A few days after the incedent, I was standing at the exit, wondering what my family was doing and if they were looking for me.

Erik lingered behind me. "I'm terribly sorry about your predicament," he said mournfully.

I turned towards him, smiling. I seem to be doing that a lot more around him. "It's not your fault. Besides, I got to meet you, the Phantom of the Opera."

Erik chuckled, seeming a little embarrassed. "I just came to inform you that dinner was served, if you feel up to it, that is."

I rolled my eyes at his formality and followed him back to the lair.


After we were done eating, I yawned. Erik ushered me to his bedroom and retreated to where I assumed he slept.

"Erik," I called before he could walk away. "Could for a bit?" I asked, nervously.

He glanced back, a little confused, but sat back down at the table.

"What did you want to speak to me about?" He asked, all serious. I tried to hold back a giggle.

"Well, I don't really know anything about you, besides your name...and obviously where you live," I stated.

He frowned, considering. "I'd rather not talk about my past, if you don't mind."

I took a deep breath, knowing this wasn't going to be easy. "How about I tell you something about me. You can say whatever you want after that."

He hesitatently nodded. I smiled and took a moment, deciding what to tell him.

"I can start with Shelly." He looked confused. "She was my friend from back home. We used to do everything together. I remember one year we went sledding on this giant hill with my father."

I laughed. "The entire time we were arguing about who got to go first, until my father bought us hot chocolate."

I sighed, sadly. "He was great like that." I saw the question in Erik's eyes.

"He died, eight years ago." I started to tear up as Erik akwardly patted me on the back.

"Only a few other people know this, but before I came here I...," he took a deep breath.

"I was living in a cage...I was the town freak. People were always laughing at me, whipping me. I thought, once, about killing myself."

He had a faraway look in his eyes as he said this. "How did you make it out?" I whispered.

"Madame Giry." was all he said.

Before I realized it I had hugged him.

His hands were akwardly hanging in the air, as if he had never been hugged before.

"Maybe he hasn't," I thought sadly.

As I was about to pull away, I was encased in enormous arms.


I never thought he would be this warm. He smells so good, I could fall asleep in these arms.

Just as I thought that, he pulled away from me.

Being this close to him I noticed our height difference. He was about a foot taller than me.

As I was marveling at our height difference, I noticed he was staring at me. As I looked into his eyes, he leaned a little closer to me.

Is this going to be my first kiss? Why do I want it to be him so bad.

Just as I thought he was going to kiss me, he completely pulled away from me.

I looked on, confused, as he walked back to his piano. He started to play another sad tune as I yawned again.

Deciding to leave him be, I walked over to the bed and curled up in it.

As I was drifting off, breathing in his relaxing scent, I heard clanging and yelling.

"I hope he's alright," was the last thing I thought before falling asleep.

*Hey, sorry this one was shorter than the others. They almost kissed!! More next time. Bye ;) *

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