Chapter 2: Ballerina

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Angry. Hurt. Frustrated. All these describe how I'm feeling. I've been here for two years already, I deserve to have the spotlight at least once. I feel guilty even thinking it, but it's how I'm feeling.


Just because Madame Giry took an interest in her, suddenly, she's the best of the best, just like Meg is. I work so hard every day and what do I have to show for it? Being in back with all the other girls. I just want a shot. Is that too much to ask?

I finish my warmups and get in position. Taylor and Brie, the friends I made during my time here, are beside me.

The instructors come in and tell us about a new play we'll be performing. Everyone got excited and started talking over each other, including my friends and I.

"I wonder whose playing the lead?" Brie asked, excitedly. I rolled my eyes. "It's obviously going to be Meg, maybe Christine," Taylor sighed. I nodded. "Of course it is, they're the best," I mocked. Brie patted me on the back.

"You're amazing, they'll figure it out eventually," Brie said while Taylor nodded.

They announced that the lead will be............

Meg. No surprise there.

I was playing dancing girl #12. I sighed and got into position.

**1 year later**

1st position

2nd position

3rd position

4th position

5th position

I ended with my feet turned outward, one foot placed in front of the other. Both my arms were raised above my head, and I kept my elbows and wrists slightly bent.

"I can do better," I said to myself.

I repeated my positions 10 more times, until I was certain I was perfect. Then I walked upstairs to my bed.

I took my hair down and rolled my ankles.
Unfortunately, I heard Christine and Meg talking about the show last night.

It was Christine's first time singing and everyone was fawning over her.

She kept telling everyone over and over how she had an angel watching over her who taught her to sing.

Everyone else called it a ghost, a phantom of the opera. It said she had to play the lead in every opera we preform from now on. Carlotta hated that, and said she was going to quit if Christine was the lead in anything.

Everyone, including me, was already fed up with her dramatics. The directors coddled her and told her she was still the star.

I for one, couldn't care less if Christine or Carlotta were the lead. I was more curious as to why a spirit or angel would want Christine singing.


Over the next few months Christine played the lead in a few shows.

She always gets tons of roses after each one, while I've never even gotten one and it's my middle name.

She even has a boyfriend, Raoul. Imagine that, an admirer and a boyfriend. How lucky could a girl get?

Anyway, back to my pitiful life. I got a letter from mom. I was so excited. It said that she was marrying Francis in six months and I was her maid of honor.

I was shocked.

She goes on to say how if I don't want them to get married, they won't.

I also got a letter from Shelly about how she
finally got our parents together. She said they were shy at first but they're very happy and in love.

I wrote back to my mother and Shelly explaining how I fully supported their wedding and would love to be her maid of honor.


We were holding a masquerade, celebrating the fact that we hadn't heard from the Phantom in a long while.

I had gotten ready with Brie and Taylor and was now outside enjoying the fresh air, while everyone else was partying inside.

I had wore a silver heart locket that held my parents pictures. I was looking at them when I heard shouting.

The Phantom had appeared and was yelling at everyone. He walked up to Christine and jerked her necklace off, then vanished.


A few weeks later we were performing a new opera. Christine was the star and I was dancing in the back again with Gerard, another ballerina.

Everyone was on edge after the masquarade and nervous, as they should have been, about what the Phantom would do next.

**Soo chapter 2 is finally done, sorry it took so long. The timeline is kinda confusing, so I'm gonna explain it. The beginning of the first chapter is the present. Then we go back three years and I explain what happened to during her three years training at the opera. The next chapter is called Darkness, enjoy ;) **

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