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A few days had passed and Persephone Jackson could not be happier than now. Her life changed; no monster to hunt, no ridiculous prophecies, no glares, nothing. For the first time in her life, she felt comfortable and peaceful. But, of course she would jinx herself. It was like, even though there were no prophecies, the fates would still haunt her just to make her miserable. She had just found her most comfortable place to read in her bathtub when her doorbell rang. Now, who knew that she lived there? The Seven. Who would ring her doorbell? No one. She nodded, deciding that ignoring whoever on the other side of her front door was the best thing. Not that the doorbell stopped ringing. It was Saturday, what lunatic disturbed other people on weekends?

With a grunt and a huff, she walked outside her bathtub, dry. She decided to annoy the stranger even more and maneuvered to her kitchen to make some hot cocoa. She smirked as the ringing was even more frequent. That's why you shouldn't just go visit me on Saturday, bitch. She rolled her eyes before opening her door, meeting face to face with a pirate?

"What do you want?" Her tone aggressive and for once she did not feel guilty at all. It was the price for disturbing her on a fucking Saturday. Her hostility.

"Are you Persephone Jackson?"

"No comment." She answered. No hesitation, no stutter. Why did not she just answer with a yes or no? Who knew what kind of person this pirate was? What if she decided to kill a 'Persephone Jackson'? She was just being careful. For all she knew, her supposed to be family could be paying mortals to kill her. They betrayed her, what stopped them for killing her? Or worse, making her trust mortals and then make them stabbed her on the back? Curse loyalty.

"I am asking you one last question and you better answer." He glared. Now, others might be scared, but when you survived Tartarus, nothing could scare you. Jackson did not like it at all. Who did he think he was? Coming to her doorstep and demanding answer? Bitch better be ready for some torture. "Are-"

"Bitch you better listen here." She glared, making him flinched. Her emotion skyrocketed and her glare intensified. "You came here. Why did you think I fancy your unannounced arrival? You just disturbed my Saturday. You answered me. What do you want?"

"I am Director Fury, from SHIELD." Was that supposed to be a make sense answer? What the Hades was wrong with mortals these days? A few days ago, some Halloween crazed lunatics and now a pirate which turned out to be a Fury? Should she be scared?

"A Fury? Like my algebra teacher?"

"Wha-? Fury is my name. Nick Fury and I don't have any relative."

"...Ah." Was her stupid answer. She shook her head, "Now, what do you want?"

"May I come in? I have things to discuss with you, Ms. Jackson."

"Why is it that you decided I was the 'Persephone Jackson' that you searched?" She knew that it was pointless to argue with the pirate. But still, maybe she could get answers as to why everyone back home hated her. Not everyone knew her real name, she made sure of it when her mother was killed. The day 'Persephone Jackson' died was the day Sally Jackson was killed. So, he knew about her real name was definitely suspicious. How did he know? "And no, you may not come in. What if you were a vampire? It would be a disaster."

"Did you not watch The Vampire Diaries?"


"You know what, never mind that. Just tell me your reason as to why did you disturb me on Saturday?"

"...Fine." He sighed as she smirked. She crossed her arms as she leaned against her doorframe, waiting for him to just spill the reason. "Like what I said before, I am Director Fury, from SHIELD. The reason of my visit is to ask several questions regarding the natural disaster a few days ago and several disasters you, Ms. Jackson, were involved all through your life."

"What?" She asked, dumbfounded. Why would she be questioned about things several days ago? What made him think that it was her to create such disaster? "Was there even such person able to do that? No offence, but I was just walking trying to get back home? And what is it with you and assuming me as Persephone Jackson?"

"So, you did not do that?"

"Were you able to do that? What makes you think I was able to do that?"

"Did you meet the superheroes, then?"

"Superheroes? They actually exist?"


"I did not know superheroes actually exist. But I did meet several people with funny costumes on that day." She nodded, remembering the weird crowd. "No offence but did people nowadays just walk around with weird clothing? Or were they escaped from the mental hospital? I was actually flustered."

"...They are superheroes." She watched as he bit his lips as to try to contain his laughter. She could swear that she heard some chuckles escaped. "They are The Avengers."

"Yikes. Why would they even wear such costumes?"

"Never mind the costumes, so you did meet them."

She hummed.

"Can you come with me?"

"And why would I do that?" She narrowed her eyes. "Look, I have no power or whatever it was to create such disaster. I was just trying to come home when your supposed to be heroes jumped on me. No sane people would just say yes and come with them with their Halloween costumes, so I ran. There. I spilled the tea."

"What about your involvement in several disasters?"

"Would you believe me when I said I have the worst luck? The latest example would be with your heroes in the middle of the natural disaster." Her words were not completely a lie. She indeed had the worst luck, but she did get involve even though most of the time, she was not the one who initiated those disasters in the first place.

"So, you said you were just in the wrong time and wrong place?"

"Yup. Anything else? Nothing? Good. See you never." She did not wait for him to answer as she slammed the door on his face.

She could hear the exasperation sigh from outside her door. Frustration and anger were clear in the air. She felt bad for being rude to a person much older than she was, but he was too nosy for his own good and she had secret she did not want people to find out. Especially by people wearing weird clothes. Nope. She waited for a little while and when she heard his footsteps walking away, she breathed in relief. She knew that she would meet him or even the weird costumes superheroes a lot more often now that she did not give him any answers.

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