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For a whole week, she got several IMs from several people. They would act like they were still the best of friends who never betrayed her and asked her to assist the war. Persephone Jackson was exhausted to say the least and her fatal flaw did not help her at all. She did not want to be another pawn, not anymore. She wanted to try to care for herself, she deserved at least that. The fact that for the whole two months after she left Camp Half-Blood, not even a single person IM'd her. No one noticed her disappearance, or maybe they were glad that she was gone. That fact hurt. Now that there was a war coming, suddenly several people would just pop in front of her acting like they loved her. What a joke.

One morning, Persephone Jackson decided that it was time to buy her grocery for the week. On the way to her usual supermarket, she could feel the usual stares from her favorite stalkers intensified. Something felt wrong, her guts could feel it, or maybe her stalkers multiplied. So, she ran, because her guts were never wrong. She ran so fast, trying to go back to the safety of her apartment. Grocery be damned. She was right, her stalkers were a lot more than usual. She could hear the multiplied footsteps from around her.

Persephone Jackson was never to find trouble but trouble seemed to always find their way back to her. It almost seemed like the concept of true love or soulmate. The irony. Anyway, she decided that it was too risky to be outside. She did not want to hurt mortals with her trouble, so she mist-travelled. Yes, she decided that it was a good idea to just disappear in front of mortals. Not one second later, she appeared in front of her doorstep, and it was seriously her biggest mistake. How could she be so dumb? She should have just appeared in her bathroom. Why did she even think there would be no people in front of her apartment? As she inserted her key, something whacked her across the head and the last thing she saw was the key in her keyhole before everything went black. Fuck my life.

The moment her consciousness came back, she noticed that she was not tied or anything. In fact, she was lying down in sort of a bed? But she would not take any risks. She decided it was better to not open her eyes but gather information because captors usually let their guards down when their victim was still unconscious. Not that her captors were talking. No one was making any sound and the silent was too annoying for her. She concentrated on her surroundings. One new thing she developed after her stalking ordeal was that if she concentrated hard enough, she could visualize the water and blood inside bodies inside fifty meters radius, even with her eyes closed.

Four in front, two on the left, one on the right.

She was reckless, but not stupid. She evened her breathing before focusing on her right. First, she froze the water molecule around him or her she would not know so that they could not move. She needed one person available to be questioned. Next, she focused on the other six in the room. She did not really want to kill them before knowing who they were, so she decided to just make them passed out for a little while. She focused on the water around their necks, cutting their air supplies.

A few minutes later she could hear several bodies hit the ground. As soon as the last one was out, she opened her eyes. She smirked as she found the six unconscious bodies around her. Now, she did not want to take risks, so she looked around and found a bunch of ropes on one corner of the room, why they did not tie her, she would not know. She sat up, noticing that nothing was still the same as the day she was kidnapped, she stood up. She grabbed the rope and tied her captors on one corner, not letting the froze one go. Not taking any risks as maybe the captors had any sort of weapons on them to harm her, she searched everyone and yes, she collected a bunch of knives, daggers, and even guns. Good for her.

After slipping her last gun, she turned around towards the now frozen statue. She grabbed another rope to tie him down against the bed she previously slept on. After patting him down to search for weapons and collecting another series of daggers and guns, she unfroze him. She waved her hand around to make a defensive water ball around them so that if someone ever decided to pay them a visit and brought out a gun, she would not die in an instant. Careful, very unlike Jackson, but she seriously did not want to die in the hands of mortals when she survived even Tartarus. That would be very not cool.

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