"YOU SAID WHAT?!" Tony screeched.
The Avengers appeared suddenly on lunch time and Thor had been busy retelling the whole fiasco when Perci paid Loki a visit, much to her dismay. Thor also might or might not telling the mortals about Perci's feelings about erotic books and smut scenes. For the last two hours, Persephone was either red on the face, coughing to cover up her embarrassment, or straight up ignoring her shyness and announcing her thoughts proudly.
On the other hand, the superheroes were all losing it.
Captain America and Dr. Banner were chocking so hard, Perci could see tears running down their face. Tony was busy laughing and high-fiving the goddess. Natasha was blinking and blushing at some parts. Clint was rolling on the floor, laughing his ass off. Thor, the guy was so proud about the reactions he got as he retold the story, not missing any details.
"Was I wrong though? He was – is handsome." She defended herself. "Especially his green eyes. His clear and lovely green eyes."
She sighed, obviously thinking about the supposed to be villain, but, she failed to notice the sudden quietness grew from the superheroes. It seemed like five minutes had passed that Tony decided to speak up, "He has green eyes?"
Persephone nodded. "It was very green. Like the forest. I think my favorite color right now is green." She definitely did not know what happened to her as she confessed something like that, but immediately regretted it as not only The Avengers, but Thor also stared at her, wide eyes, jaws hung down. She muttered, clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable, "But, can you blame me?"
"Wait, hold on, we are getting off track." Dr. Banner spoke up, shaking his head a little. "What do you mean green? He has blue eyes."
"It was very green though? I would know because I have been staring at his eyes for quite some time that he had to ask me whether he got something on his face." She explained, trying to make a point but obviously failed. The Avengers stared at her, amused. They never looked or heard her like this. Every time they hung out with her, it was depressing most of the time, so seeing and hearing her acted like a normal teenager was definitely amusing. Before they could cut her, though, she continued, "I mean, I couldn't straight up mention "handsomeness", could I? I would probably bury myself."
"Off track, young lady." Natasha reminded the others, but her tone light and amused.
"Right. But, on serious note, he has green eyes. I was just making some points with my little TMI." She shrugged before looking at Thor, she blinked. "Uh, Thor, do you maybe, have Loki's baby pictures? I'm not saying that I want to see them, but maybe we can finally put off this blue-green-eyes conversation off the table, you know? For confirmation."
"Oh! Yeah, I think we have Loki's baby pictures. Please wait a moment." He beamed before dashing out the room. Not a few minutes later, the Norse god came back with a thick book. He settled the book down before opening them. There, green-eyed baby Loki' pictures stared back towards her. She almost let out a loud 'aww' but she caught herself and only let out a few small coughs.
"So, you were saying that you didn't want to see them?" Clint smirked. The goddess groaned. But, before she could even defend herself, Steve joined on with the teasing, "He looked handsome, didn't he, Perce?"
Persephone gave out a long and loud groaned. She definitely knew that for the next few weeks the superheroes would stay there, they would talk about her non-existent love life which she probably dreaded as much as when her father would talk about sex talk.
She was right.
In the next few weeks, she could hear both the superheroes and Lady Sif and the warrior three teased her all the time, asking about how Loki look for that day. Speaking about Loki, once The Avengers knew that something was wrong, they notified their organization as well as Odin and Frigga. It turned out that Loki had been mind-controlled by a bitch named Thanos. Then, the next thing she knew, Loki was out from the dungeon.
Not that she stopped visiting him. It had been a habit she picked up, visiting Loki at least once a day to just share their days or having fun. One time, they were talking about the life in Earth and somehow, camels were brought in. She did not know whether to laugh because how cute Loki was while talking about the animals or to be amused because she certainly did not expect camels to come up in their conversation.
She also swore she could feel his mood brightened every time she came to visit as did hers. Persephone was right, though, Loki was a very sweet and funny guy who loved his fancy teas.
One day, Persephone invited Loki to hang out with The Avengers. Loki seemed uncertain at first, how could he not? He did want to destroy the 'Earth' where The Avengers lived, but, with enough convincing and a few baby seal eyes, he agreed. So, there they were right now, in surprisingly a chaotic situation, amused as they watched the superheroes acting silly and sharing silly stories.
Somehow, after the absurdly long time of silly stories sharing, the mortals were quieted down as they seemed to be exhausted. They did spend a lot of energies laughing out loud. Then suddenly, Tony asked, "By the way, you never told us about how did you end up here in the first place, did you?"
The question certainly caught the rest's attention, including Loki. He also did not know the reason of her arrival, but he somehow thankful. He liked to spend time with her. She could feel the burdensome stares as she stilled in her place. Did she share everything? The outline? Making something up?
"Oh, if you haven't noticed yet, Loki is God of Mischief and Lies. So, if you ever thought about making something up, he would know." Tony smirked.
Persephone was hesitant. She did not want to make Loki guilty, because he was the main reason as to why she was hated which led her to become depressed which then made her lost control and destroy NYC and about to be executed if the Fates did not come or came a few seconds late. He also was the man in the hologram, which she knew was somehow manipulated, who had gotten seen together with her, apparently, discussing about ways to destroy the Earth.
Persephone also did not want to make the superheroes, she had come to cherish, mad and disappointed with her. If they were to know about her one-man action about destroying New York City, their homes, she did not want to know how they felt about her. She could not bear losing someone else. Truth be told, it was them, who managed to at least not making the goddess worse and/or shutting her humanity.
The Avengers, who once her stalkers, somehow stopped her to be a killing machine and went on rampage. They were there, cheering her up when she wanted to commit suicide. They were still there, whether pretending or not, but she was still thankful. She knew she still had them, even when she did think that no one was beside her anymore, or that she was fine when she was about to be executed, they were there.
Persephone knew, deep down in her heart, she was afraid.
Afraid to be abandoned, rejected, and became alone once again.
She also knew that she had been acting and pretending to be fine.
But, with this seemingly chill question, it brought back the empty, sickening feelings and the bad memories she had buried deep on the corner of her mind, and she did not like it, not one bit. The goddess knew, that from this question, it was either she became even more depressed or that she finally could stop pretending.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑽𝑬 / 𝘱𝘫𝘰 ・𝘮𝘤𝘶
FantasyPersephone Jackson, after winning two enormous wars, got left behind broken and alone. Betrayed by her most loved ones, the scars ran deeper than even the ones from Tartarus. Everyone, from Chiron to even Annabeth and the others Seven, turned their...