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Persephone Jackson was sitting on her bed, waiting for Loki to finish his shower. It was nerve-wracking and she was very nervous. Percy Jackson doesn't do nervous, girl. Get your act together! She mentally slapped herself to help herself reducing her nervousness. But, could anyone blame her? The possibility how it ended for the simple 'story-telling' was endless. Would he leave her to? Would he still like her? Would they finally date each other? Would he be afraid of her now? Would he-

"Princess?" A voice she came to love broke her out of her trance. It was soothing and comforting her. She turned around to find out that he was beside her, his eyes full of worry and concern. She loved his eyes and all of the emotions it had shown her. Perci let out a small smile. Loki, who was still worried, grabbed her hand on his and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Are you okay?"

She hesitated. Was this 'story-telling' really worth it? Could she handle the possibility of him leaving her, alone? Yes. Yes, she wanted to tell him everything. If he were the man she came to know and like, he would accept her however she was. However horrid her past was. So, she nodded. She sent him another reassurance smile, which she did not know whether it was to reassure herself or Loki, before taking a deep breath.

"I want to tell you my past." She whispered. The goddess could feel the lump on her throat to stop her from spilling her past, from spilling the truth, but she forced it down. She was tired of the secret and she needed it to come to a proper closure for her demigod life. She was no longer a demigod, no longer the daughter of the God of Seas, Poseidon, and no longer the weak and pathetic girl who ran away a long time ago. She had changed now. She was stronger than her past.

She was Persephone Jackson, the Goddess of Liquid, Earthquakes, and Storms.

So, she began to tell him everything. From the moment she was born, the happy memories she had with her mother, the day she came to Camp Half-Blood, the happy memories she shared with all her 'friends', and the first war she ever participated. On the middle of her telling her past, her tears ran down freely down her cheeks as she sobbed. The sound of her cries was heartbreaking to put it simply. She could feel Loki wrapped his arms around her, giving some comfort moral supports as she wailed.

The goddess did not stop her story telling, though. She kept on going about the day she found out her mother had been killed by her ex-step father, Gabe, who ended up dead by her hand. Yes, she killed Gabe. She also told him about all of her 'accidents', kidnapping, memory lost, and the time she fell to the Pit, Tartarus. Persephone did not know how she did it, but as she stopped to look at Loki's reaction, she found out that she had moved her spot to his lap as he cuddled her, brushing his hand through her black locks as he peppered some comforting kisses. She blushed as she clutched his clothes harder. She sighed once again as she leaned into him, continuing her story.

Persephone began to tell him about the second war and everything that had happened after that. The betrayal, the truth, the depression that came with it, the losing control and ended up destroying NYC, and finally, the almost getting executed. She told him everything as she snuggled closer to him for comfort. She knew now, he would still be here. He would not leave her alone, so she continued. Persephone hated her past, but it was what made the girl she was today.

"Can you say something?" She muttered as soon as she finished re-telling all her past filled drama called life. Persephone's question did not get any answer however, much to her dismay. The goddess was about to stand up when she felt it, the hot tears on her neck, the soft sniffling, and the shivering. Loki was crying. He was crying for her. Perci did not know what to do, so she lifted her hands and brought it up to cup his face. She began wiping his tears as she stared at his eyes. She whispered giving him a kiss on the cheek, "Baby, I'm fine."

Loki closed his eyes as he tightened his arms around her, bringing her closer. He placed his head on the crook of her neck as he calmed himself down. Perci's heart swelled. She did not know it was possible for her to like him even more, or maybe she had fallen for him, she did not know. A few minutes had passed and Loki had finally calmed down.

"You are so brave and strong, princess." He whispered.

"Thank you for listening, and," She whispered, "For staying."

"I told you before, I am here and I am not going anywhere." He smiled, but it turned into a small smirk as he continued, "You are stuck with me, sweetheart."

That day, the couple spent their entire day cuddling, whispering, and giggling together, not once stepping outside the girl's bedroom. They had the maids bringing them food and snacks as they stayed there on her bed.

They comforted each other, supported each other, and loved each other.

But of course, peaceful time was never in Persephone Jackson's book and vocabulary.

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