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It was the day she decided to man up and call her little brother. Her little brother who never came to the surface or when he did, it was usually to meet her. Her lovely baby brother, Tyson. Keep calm. He might not know anything.

Taking a deep breath, she settled down towards the only place where she could feel safe and comfortable, her bathtub. Her fingers were shaking. She did not want to admit that she was nervous, but she was. A lot. Her eyes looked around, trying to postpone the call for as long as she could, but even her eyes fell on top of a bunch of gold coins on beside the sinks. Curse decorations. Yes, she used her drachmas as decorations for her bathroom.

She sighed before taking one of the coins and waving her hand creating a small rainbow. Then she tossed the coin before saying, "Oh Fleecy, please show me Tyson. Most likely at Atlantis' underwater workshop."

There, appeared in front of her, her brother with his back on her, concentrating hard to make whatever he was making work. She smiled, how she missed her brother. It was far too long since they met and she felt guilty to suddenly disappear without saying goodbye.

"Tyson!" She called out. She was too happy to meet him that she forgot about her nervousness. On the other hand, the man stiffened. He shook his head once before continuing to fiddle with something she could not see. She pouted a little, but decided to call out once again. This time around, Tyson turned around. His face showed how surprised he actually was. She was so happy that she waved her hand around. But, her happiness was crushed fast.

Tyson, whose face morphed from surprised into an angry one, or more like furious, swiped his hand around, effectively ending the call. Persephone blinked. What had just happened? Did he seriously cut the call without saying anything? The young girl did not know whether she should be happy that he did not say whatever was in his mind or should be sad because even his little brother did not believe her?

Seconds turned into minutes. Perci sat there, emotionless. She could hear her own heart screaming, trying to piece itself together just to be sucked by an abyss called the black hole. Nothing left to break. Nothing left to mend. Empty. Cold. Dark. Her heart had changed into a void of nothingness. She could feel the last string for her sanity snapped. Her last lifeline also turned his back on her.

How should she feel?

Should she feel sad?

But, what even was sad?

Perci could feel her own body shutting down. Even when she should cry right now, the tears were not coming. It almost felt like all the blood inside her body turned cold. She also could hear her own demon, cheering. They thought she would turn off her humanity because her heart could not be saved no more. They were right.

Was this how a villain turned? Because she knew that nobody was born evil, but rather made. Persephone could feel her own demon climbing out trying to reach her mind from a big hole which was her former heart.

Why did everyone hate her?

She did not even have the answer.

She wanted to run away, she wanted to hide. She wanted to just disappear because she could not handle whatever madness brewing inside her right now. But she was tired of running. She ran away five months ago. She did not want to run anymore and she also knew, even when she ran, her father would just kidnap her if she was ever needed to be a pawn to be sacrificed in a war.

What should she do now? Rebelling?

Was that really the right thing to do?

What even was the right thing?

What was she supposed to do now?

Everyone she knew turned their backs on her and left her all alone. The ones she loved turned out to be actors and actresses who pretended to be her friends or died. The ones she sacrificed herself for betrayed her trust. The ones who should stand beside her no matter what disowned her or did not believe her. Then, who was she supposed to turn to?

It seemed like her body had a mind of its own as she found herself walking towards a very familiar beach. Montauk Beach. A beach full of her and her mother's memories. As she gazed towards the calm wave, a lone tear fell down her cheek. Then turned into two, then suddenly she was bawling her heart out. All alone in the night, crying as to ask for help to relieve the pain but no one was there to listen.

As she cried, the emotions which were lost or buried deep inside her heart came running back to her. Anger, resentment, sadness, and any other negative emotions she felt came crushing her down. She could tell that any second later, she would lose control. But did she care? No.

The once calm waves grew wilder, and the once clear skies with some soft winds grew to be huge storms. The sky darkened drastically as it poured down its content. The ground beneath her rumbled as it shook, cracking open everywhere around her. If someone were to witness it from above her, it would probably look like a mild version of Noah's Ark disaster, where everything became wild, uncontrolled and untamed.

Persephone felt a tug on her heart and she decided to let everything go. She lifted her head, staring at nothing. As she slowly closed her eyes, the waves turned into a tsunami, enveloped everything on its way. As she closed her eyes, the storms moved past, following and playing tag with the waves, effectively destroying everything. As she closed her eyes, the grounds beneath her feet opened up and swallowed up the rest.

She knew that it was wrong of her to do that, but at that moment,

She did not care about the mortals.

She did not care about the Gods.

She did not care about the campers.

And she surely did not care about the consequences.

She wanted to tell the world, there was a young girl who had had a heart, but it was ripped apart from her by irresponsible people. She was only eighteen for Hades' sake. She was hated, but she did not even know the reason behind it. She was insulted and bullied, she was abused. There was a limit to how much one person could feel pain. She was still a human.

Later on, that day was recorded as the day New York City was destroyed.

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