Episode 1

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a/n: there may be some logical inconsistencies in this fic, like i forgot bobby existed, but whatever. enjoy <3

Julie Molina had the best spring break ever. Her dad, her brother, and her tía Victoria went hiking. Julie felt on top of the world after playing the Orpheum- literally, she was on the top of a mountain. But back down on earth, not everyone was as happy as her.

Alex roamed the streets of LA looking for Willie. Every time he even heard a skateboard, he would gain a sliver of hope that was immediately crushed. Not even talking to strangers helped him get over his anxiety. He sat down next to a middle-aged man watching his two daughters.

"Do you ever feel like you're not in control?" Alex said to the guy. "Like everything's tearing at the seams for no good reason?" He took a deep breath out.

"Or is this just a me thing?" Alex stared at the man waiting for a response, like it would ever come. The man sat in silence looking down, until 5 minutes later.


"Tía , do you like this melody?" Julie played a song that she made in garageband.

"Oh, mija, it's beautiful!" Tía Victoria exclaimed. "It deserves to be hung up on the refrigerator forever!" She kissed Julie on the cheek and turned to Carlos.


"I'm trying to make a swimming pool!" He replied. Julie laughed. She liked it out in the middle of nowhere. No ghost band, no Caleb, just peace and quiet.

But by the time spring break was over, it was anything but quiet, everyone knew the name Julie and the Phantoms. Julie herself didn't know about her new fame until she saw that Panic! at the Disco shouted the band out on Instagram. And boy, was she shocked.

Arriving at school and being a mini-celebrity is an experience Julie thought she'd never get to live through. She knew she was wrong when she walked through the doors on the first day back. Lowerclassmen looked at her, their mouths gaping, even seniors cared to give her a look. Julie looked around and felt like everyone in the hallway was looking at her- probably because they were. A certain two individuals caught Julie's eye standing in the corner.

" Just do it!" One of them said, pushing the person on their left.

"I don't wanna." The person on the right rolled their eyes and dragged the girl in front of Julie.

"Hey, Julie, I'm Quill, and this is Aditi. She's been a huge fan of yours ever since she heard you sing a few years ago." Quill said, pushing Aditi forward. Julie laughed, feeling nervous.

"Hey, Aditi! Thanks a lot for your support." Julie took a breath. Good. She formed a sentence.

"Hi-Hey Julie! Um, I'm Aditi, wait no, you know that! Ha, anyways, um... I just wanted to, Do you, um, do you have any merch or anything?" Julie opened her mouth to laugh but it turned into a smile. She was just astonished that people wanted merch from her.

"Um, not at the moment, but we can work on that!" Julie replied. Aditi was on the verge of squealing.
"Thank you, Julie! Okay, I'm going now, bye!" Aditi ran away, wiping sweat from her forehead. Quill rolled their eyes. Julie figured that she needed to get ready for class, so she opened up her locker and put away her sweater. She closed the locker door to see Luke, leaning on the door like a creep.

"AAAAAHHH!" Julie shouted, but not in an extremely loud way. A few people gave her looks, but she just laughed it out.

"Ah, haha, thought I saw a spider!" Julie got her phone out to pretend to talk. "Dude, what was with that? Not cool!"

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