Episode 5

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Amina slowly picked the brooch back up. She placed it in her hand and the boys watched as purple smoke bled from her fingertips. She closed her eyes and levitated. The smoke also made Willie levitate. The stamp on his arm glowed with a bright purple.

Amina thrust her arm backwards, opening her eyes. Willie dropped to the floor, and the stamp was gone.
"WILLIE!" Alex rushed to Willie's side. Amina had the stamp in her hand. She obliterated it, releasing Willie's free soul back into his body. Willie regained his strength and flew to his feet.

"Woah..." Willie looked at his wrists, no longer bearing Caleb's stamp.

"Now can you trust me? I need your help to stop Caleb."

"How can we help you?" Reggie said. "We barely know anything about him."

"We can combine what we know." Amina said. "You guys are the first ghosts that have escaped his stamp. Every time the stamp fails, he loses one of his senses. He lost his vision. It's like a price to pay."

"He died sometime around the 1920's." Reggie said. "Doing a magic trick."

"Do you guys know the full story of how he died?" Amina asked.

"He told me some bits and pieces when we were meeting." Willie said.
"Here it is."

a/n: this part is ideally where we would do a flashback sequence with amina narrating.

"My dad was barely making any money as a magician. Nobody ever came to see his shows. He was about to quit until a wealthy club owner found him and saw potential. The owner gave my dad an offer he couldn't refuse. He was told to perform a deadly magic trick and accepted.

"He was paid a large sum of money to do the trick. He needed to do it and provide for his family. But it went horribly wrong. He died in the process."

"I never knew that, wow." Luke said. He snapped his fingers. "Anything else?"

Amina gulped. "I have to go perform, I think the dance break's over." She ran out of the dressing room.

"You okay, Luke?" Alex asked. "You've seemed a little, I don't know, uninterested lately."


"Uninterested in like, everything."

"I'm not." Luke scratched his head. "Can we go?"

"Is anything wrong?" Reggie asked. Luke paused for a moment, opened his mouth, then closed it. "Alright."

They poofed out. Alex and Luke went to Julie's garage, but Reggie went elsewhere.

Reggie poofed into Eats and Beats, his new favorite restaurant. A jazz band was performing. Reggie scanned the room for Vera, but he didn't see her. He walked around and found her talking to Carrie at a small standing table.

"So, I'll transfer ownership of the Dirty Candy instagram account to you, and here's the password to the group email." Carrie said. Surprisingly, there was no passive-aggressive edge to her voice.

"Thanks. Um, we're good, right?" Vera asked, writing down the passwords.

"Yeah. You beat me, fair and square. You're a great dancer, by the way." Carrie said, smiling. Reggie rubbed his eyes- was Carrie being nice?

Carrie left promptly, saying she had to go with her dad for dinner. Reggie took her place, sitting down.

"So, hello again." He said. "I thought I kind of left you in the dark after I dropped that whole " i'm in love with my best friend" thing last time we met." Vera ate her croissant.

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