Chapter 4 - Prince of The Quarter

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Julianna's POV
Klaus paced across the room with a frustrated expression and he was deep into thought. I sat on the sofa and watched him.

"Hey," I snapped my fingers and he turned to look at me "what's up with you?" He stopped and stared at me.

"Marcel has taken the throne and he is now ruling New Orleans, this is our home and he has taken it. I want it back and I will stop at nothing to get it."

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"I wouldn't have to plan anything if you didn't practically offer the throne to him." He exclaimed.

"Oh, so its my fault? I asked him to make sure New Olreans didn't fall to the ground, I never asked him to rule the city."

"Well look where that has gotten him."

"Fine you know what, have fun being a stress case, I'm leaving." I say, I get up to leave but he appears in front of me.

"You will not leave this house." I rolled my eyes and pushed past him, hitting his shoulder with mine. "Julianna!" He yelled. If I left the plantation right now, which we are currently living at, Klaus will be pissed off by the time I come back.

"I'll be back later." I say and walk out the door. Angry Klaus is really suffocating and every time I say something around him when he's mad, he'll snap at me. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked down the street. The street was quiet and the only thing making noise is the constant sound of the small square heel of my boots clicking on the ground as I walked.

"Niklaus seems on edge." A voice said next to me, I turned to see Elijah walking beside me.

"You just noticed?" I said.

"Not exactly. Earlier when he threatened one of Marcel's vampires, I knew something had set off his temper."

"Right now, Klaus is obsessed with reclaiming his throne. I left him paranoid and angry in the house." I say. Elijah stops and speeds off to the front of the plantation. The door was wide open and Klaus' car was gone.

"What diabolical plan has he come up with now." Elijah said. "He most likely went to find Marcel. Marcel is currently inhabiting our old home, that must be where he's headed." Elijah opened the passenger seat to his car for me.

"We're gonna go after him aren't we?"

"How many people will die if we don't." I sighed and got inside the car and he closed the door.

A few minutes later we got to the Mikaelson compound. It was still full of people and the music was still playing loudly. Elijah led us to the balcony that looked over the main room where everyone was at. We saw Klaus down below with a look of despair while he was talking to Marcel.

"And now look at you. Master of your domain, prince of the city." Klaus said. The music had stopped and everyone turned to look at the scene in front of them. "I'd like to know how."

"Why?" Marcel said. "Jealous?" Uh oh. Klaus' face turned from despair to anger. I saw him tense up and Marcel kept the arrogant smirk on his face. Great going Marcel. Provoke Klaus even more. I sighed and looked at Elijah, I could sense he knew Klaus was about to do something. "Hey man, I get it, 300 years ago, you helped build a backwater penal colony into something. You started it, but then you left. Actually, you ran from it." Oh dear god Marcel please stop. "I saw it through, look around. Vampires rule this city now, we don't have to hide in the shadows like rats. The locals know their place, they look the other way. I got rid of the werewolves. I even found a way to shut down the witches. The blood never stops flowing and the party never ends. You want to pass on through, you want to stay for a while? Great. What's mine is yours, but it is mine. My home, my family, my rules."

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