Chapter 32 - Gone Girl

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It had been a rollercoaster of emotions the past few months. Luckily for everyone, we've been able to avoid running into drama with other people. I couldn't say the same for Klaus. He's all over the place. Rebekah said it was because he just needed a distraction from being paranoid but I know him. He only goes out and stirs up trouble when he's lost or confused.

It's been five months, since we found out about our miracle child. It's been going smoothly, I can't lie. Rebekah tends to anything I need. Elijah always has a watchful eye over me, and Kol was always there when I need company or entertainment. I just always felt like something was missing, and I knew that the piece missing is Klaus. Of course he's there when I need him, and he treats me well. The only problem is that, I don't know how he feels about all of this. He never expressed any emotion anymore. Not love, not vulnerability - just plain Klaus. It pains me that he's like this and I've tried to speak with him but he's always out the door whenever I want to have a chat. He doesn't come back until it's dead of night and I'm slipping into sleep. I sometimes wake to Elijah arguing with him about me, but I try to ignore them most of the time.

I don't want to think that Klaus has been like this because of, but I know that it is. I miss him, I miss him terribly. No matter how much attention I get from everyone else I'm always craving it coming from Klaus.

Then we have Adrian. He's here quite often. When he isn't, he's out trying to find witches strong enough to do a resurrection spell for Alice. I promised I would help but he refuses, saying its too dangerous for me.

So here I am, sitting on the leather sofa in the living room of the unfinished compound. We had gone back a few days after killing Esther to find it empty. The rest of her minions had fled, leaving the compound to us. Elijah and Klaus obviously not liking the change, no matter how modern and elegant it was, they wanted it to be the way they had it. So it had gone back to being dark with brick and stone walls. I didn't mind, because I felt the same way.

"You've been sitting in that chair all day," Rebekah walks into the living room and eyes me.

"What else am I supposed to do?" I roll my eyes. "You guys have me on vampire house arrest."

"It's for you and her safety," she reminds me. Ever since I started calling the baby a she, everyone went along with it. It's just a gut feeling.

"I know," I sigh. I miss wandering the streets of New Orleans. And I miss Klaus and I's occasional "getting rid of the trash" meals where we would feed on the worst of criminals roaming the street in the dead of night.

"Do you miss Klaus?" Rebekah questions softly.

"Terribly," I frown.

"Last time I saw him he was running out the door a couple hours ago," Kol barges into the room and plops himself down onto a couch.

"What's new?"

"Have you tried talking to him?" Rebekah ignores Kol's entrance and turns her attention back on me.

"I've tried, Bekah," I run my hands through my hair in distress. "I hardly see him anymore."

"Trust me, we've all tried too," she sighs.

"Well, thanks for trying," I shrug. "I think I'm just going to take a nap. Get my mind off things."

"Come on, Kol," Rebekah pulls him off the couch. "Let's give her her space."

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