Chapter 36 - New Beginnings

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My daughter born just hours ago fit comfortably in my arms. Annalise is breathtakingly beautiful, just like her mother.

Every violent thought I constantly had running through my mind was silenced the second my eyes met Annalise's glassy blue ones. I never knew a feeling like this existed. Of course, Juliana brought me a sense of peace, but Annalise gave me a different sort of tranquility that seems to fill that gaping hole in my heart that I could never get rid of.

I never wanted to let go of this beautiful and fragile creature lying in between my arms. Even when I was forced to let everyone around the room hold her, I made sure to keep a watchful eye on her as she charmed everyone that laid their eyes on her.

I sat beside the bed where Julianna slept peacefully; her body was turned towards me, her fawn colored hair fell over her shoulder with a few stray strands of hair veiling her serene features. Her breathing came out steady through her full pink lips and the light spots of freckles dotted around her nose were prominent now more than ever.

I had to take a few minutes to admire her bare beauty at such a vulnerable state. There was something different about my love, yet I can't figure out what it is. But I figure it has something to do with the birth of our daughter.

I gently reached forward to tuck the stray hairs on Julianna's face behind her ear, all while being cautious not to wake Annalise who was sleeping soundly on my other arm.

The second my skin meets Julianna's, her eyes gently flutter open and she stares at Annalise and me with an admirable glimmer in her eyes.

"I apologize, love," I whisper. "Did I wake you?"

"Maybe," she smirks, "but I don't mind."

Her eyes divert from mine and land on Annalise. A bright smile creeps on her lips as she sits herself up from the bed without losing her smile nor her fixated gaze.

"Do you want to hold her?" I ask with a smile and she rapidly nods. I stand up from the small armchair and lean over the bed and carefully pass over Annalise into Julianna's open arms.

A small gasp leaves Julianna's lips followed by a smile that reaches her ears as soon as she's holding the newborn. Annalise's eyes slowly open to a squint due to the sudden movement. To much surprise, she stayed quiet and looked up at her mother.

"Hi, baby," she coos while smoothing her thumb over Annalise's cheeks. "I'm so happy to finally meet you."

"She looks like you," I comment while admiring the both of them.

"How about you?" Julianna looks up at me and eyes me. "You can't tell me she doesn't have your eyes and lips."

"That little button nose of hers is yours," I point out and she laughs.

"We are so corny," she shakes her head and looks back down at Annalise.

"We're just in love," I comment and Julianna slightly chuckles.


"You love it."

"I know I do," she peers up at me through her eyelashes and smiles. We sit in silence for a few moments while Julianna admires and nurtures the baby. I take my time in looking and observing them both, never wanting this moment to end. "I don't understand why I have an empty spot next to me on this king size bed. Lie with me."

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