Chapter Eleven

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Until afternoon,me and Jake spent our time working on Hannah's diary.
The only thing we were unable to find about was the mysterious man who visited Hanson's with Hannah.
I requested,"i can somehow ask Thomas if he is our mysterious dude."
"Okay but don't act very suspicious."Jake said.
Me:Hi Thomas.
How are you?
Thomas is now online
Im good and you?
Me: great thanks.
Thomas:how can i help you?
Me:um nothing i just wanted to be sure you're good.i know how much is all hard for you.
"Why don't you ask him directly?"Jake said.
"I do not think you know anything about my tricks.When I ask him something directly, it does not have a positive effect When he thinks I was worried and I remember my questions during greeting, its is more likely that he'll give a more realistic answer." "Wow you're really good at these talking things" "heh"i said with grin.
Thomas:well thanks Michelle.
You're the only one who cared about me and my feelings.
Me: you've suffered a lot and im truly worry about you.anytime you wanna we can have some small chat.
Thomas:thanks Michelle!
I appreciate it.
By the way i have a question about a detail i found.
Thomas:go on
Michelle:how much do you know about a Hanson named family.
Especially Iris Hanson?
Nothing being typed.
"Seems Tommy boy knows something."
Jake stood behind me looking at my cellphone.
Thomas Finally typed,
Thomas:i know one Hanson.
And it's Jennifer Hanson who you know yourself.
Me:have Hannah ever talked about her?
Or her family ?
Was she interested in her case or not?
Thomas: No i have never heard such things from her.
Thomas: I'd have to know something useful to help you im sorry.
Me:no problem.see you later.
I threw my phone on the bed.
"So Thomas is unaware.but who was with Hannah?"
I stood up and look in Jake's eyes,"you know that you can believe in me and be honest with me and tell me of you're our mysterious buddy?"
He stepped back,"what the hell Michelle? what?you don't believe in me after all this time hah?"
"Look Jake,of course i do.but please imagine yourself in my shoes.Hannah was with someone she really appreciate and you fit this."
"Ok ok but i wasn't with Hannah.we've never met face in face."
I looked at his eyes to find out the truth in his eyes.
He grinned,"you don't believe in me?after ALL THIS TIME that I've done anything?"
"I believe you"i replied.
"So then let's forget about our mysterious man for a while."Jake said.
I shook my head.He picked a paper and wrote something on it then he placed it on the wall which was information about Hannah's diary on.
"Mysterious important man."i whispered from the paper.
"What about now?"i asked.
"You can continue with pictures."Jake replied.
"And you?" "Im going to work on something." "And you're not going to tell me what it is?" "Nope until it's done." "Great then sir."
I got back to pictures.A picture of Amy bell Lewis with information about her murder,her age,place her body was find,stuff i heard from my friends and other things.
Another picture was a map of Duskwood like one i had in my phone and photos of forests.
Picture of man without face and some copies of random pages of the legend book.
I was looking at a screenshot of the video of surveillance camera when Jake shouted my name.
"What the hell?"i asked
Jake showed a picture in his laptop,"Look at this"
It was a picture of a stone with a name on it.pretty familiar.
"Im not stupid but what is it?" I asked.
Jake rolled his eyes,"do you remember where Amy was found?there was a stone there."
"Bang!i remember.Jennifer's name is on it and it means..."
"... Amy bell Lewis was killed because of Jennifer.her sin is related to Jenny!"

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