Chapter Fifty Two

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Yesterday , i felt asleep after telling Hannah that we'd be free Tomorrow.
I slept well, however , you can imagine that while tomorrow you're going to die , sleep can't be pleasant.
I opened my eyes and looked around.
It was dawn and Hannah was asleep.
He wasn't in the room and no voice was heard proving he's at the cottage or not.
But i was sure he'd not check on us that soon.
I should woke Hannah up.
"Wake up Hannah, we have no time." I whispered.
Hannah opened her eyes hardly.
She was trying to process everything.
"We have to do something before he checks on us."
Hannah nodded .
"First you should help to untie my hands , then I'll pick the tape from your mouth and untie your hands , then we'll untie our legs." She nodded again.
"I think we should sit back to each other, So that our hands reach each other.Then we must try to open eachother's hands. Of course, with the slightest sound so as not to attract his attention."
Hannah nodded again.
We turned to back each other.
We couldn't see each other's hands , so our firsts attempts were in vain.
Hannah was making some sounds and i wasn't able to sort it out what she was saying.
"Stop." I said , we both stopped.
"First i need to open your mouth. Remember how you opened my mouth yesterday? Lay down how i did."
Hannah did. She lay down as my hands would reach her face.
After a minute , i picked the tape!
Hannah was able to talk, "Oh my god! I wanted to say that you should stop trying to untie my hands. Let me untie you first."
We sat in the position we were again .
After minutes that were like ages for me , my hands were free!
I clenched my fists , then i opened them and again i clenched them.
I totally forgot for a moment about everything.
Then i tried to untie Hannah's,"Sorry , i forgot about your hands."
"No prob." She whispered.
After minutes , both our hands were free!
We didn't have time for showing our happiness so we untied our legs.
Then , we were completely free!
"What's next?" Hannah whispered in my ear.
"We have to prepare our muscles and wait for him to come." She nodded.
"Okay , but what'll happen after he come?"
I pointed to something in the room. Hannah smiled and showed her thumb to me.
The sun had completely rosen and the sun was shining.
We walked through the room , check outside from the window every minute and... Until i we heard his footsteps.
Hannah looked at me scared. I picked the chair that was in the room then
I walked to the door and stood behind it.
Hannah stood Infront of me , in the other corner.
As he was unlocking the door , more adrenaline rushed to my body.
I prayed,"God please. Help us. Please."
The moment he unlocked and opened the door , our hearts stopped one beat.
Everything happened in a second.
He opened the door and shouted,"Hello GIR..." But before he could continue and realise that we weren't at our places , i screamed crazily.
He was surprised . He turned to where i was to see who had made that sound , and in that second , i hit him in head with the chair!
due to how strongly i hit him , the chair broke !He fell on the ground, confused by the hit.I jumped on him and grabbed him by the collar, who was now lying on the floor.I hit his head with my head as I lifted his head with the help of his collar.
He became unconscious and i myself felt dizzy.
Hannah ran to me and tried to stop me ,"We don't need him dead. Just unconscious is enough!"
"NO A WAY!" Then i talked to him,"YOU'RE GONNA DIE AND I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"
"MICHELLE! STOP!" Hannah screamed.
I finally stopped.
I covered my head with my hands to stop the dizziness.
It didn't work.
Hannah grabbed the ropes which we were tied with before , and tied his hands and legs . Which i thought was in vain because the ropes weren't that strong.
I tried to stand and walked to him and Hannah," you always asked about the photo's place."
He consciousness was enough to understand my words.
I knelt next to him , " For ten fucking years , it has been at my grandparents place! The place you searched , but was so idiot to find it." I smirked.
"Shall we leave?" Hannah asked.
"Not without his cellphone and the keys." I said.
We searched his pockets and find his cellphone and keys.
Before we left the room , i grinned to him and waved my hand.
We locked the door of the room.
Hannah had the keys and cellphone.
When we reached the door , she unlocked it and boom!
We were outside of that cursed cottage!
Hannah laughed freely,"Oh my god! We are free , the weather is so good , oh my god!" I smiled to her,"But not complete free. At first we should get out of this fucking woods. Then we're in the town. Then reaching the police station won't be that hard!"
"Yes!" Hannah laughed again.
Then we decided to continue our way.
I took the cellphone from her hands and opened the map app .
It showed our location.
Then i searched for the edge of the woods where we could reach the city.
It showed us a way.
It was something near 10 kilometers.
Which a normal person would walk in two hours , due to what the map app showed , but not for us with all those injuries.
Hannah was looking at the cellphone from my shoulder,"What's it?"
"Umm... it'll take two hours to walk this way..."
"But takes more time for us...yes?"
"Unfortunately...yeah.But we can do it."
"I hope so." Hannah sighed.
I reached out my hand towards her.
Hannah took my hand.
It reminded me of how we used to play in the woods when we were kids.
So , i tried to have the energy of young version of me.
That's it , woods, let's show you the power of our friendship!
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