Chapter Twenty Nine

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Hi guys
Sorry for my long absence
I was sick 🤧
I took my cellphone out of my pocket and dialed the number. It was Answered after the first ring, "Michelle? How are you dear ?" I took a deep breath," Mom?" "Elle? Are you crying? Has something happened to you or your friends?"
I ignored her," Nine years ago, grandparents lived in Duskwood before they died, didn't they?"
'Wait a minute ... are you in Duskwood right now? What are you doing there?Is your friend from there? can you remember it?"
"Listen mom, it's a long story. Just explain everything to me. From the beginning."
" grandparents have lived in Duskwood for a long time. I grew up there too. You spend all your summers there, don't you remember? You also had three close friends there.Nine years ago, you, grandparents and Uncle Mike were in a car accident on the way from Duskwood to Uncle Mike's house. Grandparents died and you lost your short-term memory."  "Why couldn't i remember?"  
"We didn't tell you that you were in that accident and we didn't let you go to Duskwood after that, because we knew that if you get there, you will definitely remember everything and you will be depressed again."
I wiped my tears,"Is the spare key still in the garden?"
"I don't know, after their death no one had nothing to do with the house and it's almost abandoned." "Ok, bye." I ended the call.
I went to the supermarket again,"it's you again?"The cashier said.  "uh huh."  "are you okay? Your eyes are very red." "None of your business.I want a bottle of whiskey."  "I can't sell to you. You don't seem to be in favorable situation." "Seriously? So don't make my unfavourable situation worse and give me a bottle of whiskey and get your fucking money." "Okay, just don't drink too much. You may do something wrong." " I want to do something wrong. Completely wrong." I whispered
I paid the fee and picked up the bottle and went to the garden. Luckily, the spare key was still there!I opened the door with a little struggle. My cell phone was ringing again and again. But like a few hours ago, i didn't give a fuck about it.Upon entering the house, memories passed before my eyes like an old movie. I knocked on the lamp key next to the front door, but it did not turn on. Was the power outage? great! But not that bad because their home was a little bright because of the light coming in from the windows.Next to the front door was an old shoe rack. I put my phone, headphones and bottle on it and walked around the house . I didn't remember the exact memories. Even Hannah, Amy and Richy and spending time with them was not accurate. It will probably take me some time to remember.
Lily's POV
I was calling  Michelle Continuously but she didn't answer any of my texts or calls. I was worried as hell . I called Richy , he answered after the first ring,"Hey Lily." "Hi Rich,"I said , "what's wrong?" "Michelle isn't answering me, im worried." "Don't worry Lily! She isn't answering me either. She's mad at us and needs time!" "I Hope so." "Call me whenever something happen." "Okay, bye." "I'll just wait until sunset and after that I'll call Jake."i whispered.
Michelle's POV
There were only a few old appliances like a sofa, table and chairs in the house.I didn't know what the next step was and how long I wanted to stay in this abandoned house, but I knew one thing well, that I didn't want to see anyone, there was no better place to stay than here.I drank a sip of the whiskey bottle and headed downstairs with the bottle in my hand. It was getting dark. I looked for a glass in the kitchen and found an old one but it didn't help me.With each passing minute, I remembered more and more memories.
I looked at the whiskey bottle in my hand, I had drunk about a quarter of it. I was getting drunk little by little ‌. I put the bottle on the table next to me and walked tremblingly, my foot got stuck in something, I didn't understand what happened, but I fell.My leg twisted and I fell on my leg with all my weight.I felt dizzy, sat down slowly, and looked at my crooked leg. I tried to move it with my hands, but I had to stop because of the pain."Fuck, how unlucky I am."
Lily's POV
I looked out of my window ,The sun had set . I called Michelle and she didn't answer like hours ago. One more time, I dialed for the last time,"hey Lily, is everything okay?"

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