Chapter Thirteen

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I shivered at the thought of scary things Jake approached me and walked beside me, "you ok?"
"Yeah why not." I smiled still shivering.
There seemed to be a longer path in silence, and I hated silence. So I said,"Let's talk."
"Oh, right after one day, Im able to get to know you. You hate silence? So let's break this silence."Jake said.
"What do you think we can talk about?"
"Tell me more about yourself Michelle." "Like my favourite colour, food and huh?"i said playfully.
"Yes like your favourite colour, food and huh." he smiled.
"My favourite colour is black and favourite food is spaghetti."
"Let's play a should tell me what you guessed about my life and then it's my turn."
"Ok.I always thought you had an exciting life.i imagined you sitting in a semi-dark room, face a computer and quickly hack anyone you want.However, this is very surreal, life is not a Hollywood movie."‌I said as I looked at him.
"Wow it was really interesting but not too surreal and not too real."Jake said looking at me.
"Now it's your turn" "Well, you work in a big company
I do not think you have many friends even though you are a social person.Make-up and appearance are not very important to you but I think you are a strange person.not strange, different because among all the people I worked with, I didn't see anyone like you."
My eyes were widened in surprise,"Bravo Monsieur!are you secretly a Sherlock Holmes?" I said as i clapped for him.
"Huh no Ma'am but when I was younger and had time, I keeped watching Sherlock series."he said Jokingly.
"So you're a Sherlock fan too."I claimed.
He nodded.
Jake could be funny at times. however, he soon became a person whose most important thing was to find his sister and leave this place.
We finally reached the graveyard.
It was scary and quiet.
We stood at the entrance of the graveyard then we enter.
We started searching for Jennifer's grave but after a few minutes we surrender cause there were a lot of graves.
I was looking at a grave when a voice said from my behind,"Can i help you?"
I quickly turned to the sound and I saw a priest behind me.
I almost screamed because I did not expect to see anyone.
"Sorry my child I didn't mean to scare you"the priest said.
"Oh no, I'm sorry  father I was deep in my thoughts and did not notice you."i said smiling.
Another voice said"Michelle, are you okay?"
It was Jake. I turned to him,"yes I am."
"Oh hello."Jake said to the priest.
"Hello. do you need help my children?"
"Yes. We're searching for a Hanson named grave.Jennifer Hanson"
"Jennifer who murdered 10 years ago?"he asked looking at us suspiciously.
"Yes."i answered.
"She isn't buried in Duskwood.Poor girl, her mother insisted that she should buried in her hometown.However, several other Hansons are buried here. Their graves is on the south side of the cemetery." "Thank you for your help, father. Goodbye"
We stood outside the graveyard," I guessed Jennifer was not buried here."
"What do we do now? Shall we go to the city where Jennifer is buried?"i asked.
"No this is useless Amy was found in Duskwood's forest, not another city."
"Can't we visit Iris?she definitely has some answers for us"
"I do not recommend this much,Jessy recently visited her and Before her, Hannah. it'll be suspicious if we visit her too but on the other hand, we are here to continue our search in another way, so we better try it."
Jake and i were sitting on a sofa. Lily joined us to hear what we'd find out today.
At the end she said,"So let's go to Iris's"
"Shouldn't you be back at work in an hour?And aren't you tired?" Jake asked.
"I'm tired to death but finding Hannah is more important." Lily answered.
"Okay, so I'll leave This task to you two"Jake said standing up from his seat.
"Excuse me?and what about you?"i said raising my Eyebrow.
"I'll stay here. There are more important things I have to do at chop chop."Jake said going to his room.
Lily and i exchanged looks.
"So in the end we have to do it ourselves."Lily sighed.
"Old Enemies new best Friends" i sneered.
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