"this is my comfort game."
"yes, but does it brings you what it called home?"
[ genshin impact x fem! reader ]
getting stuck into your favorite game was a wonderful things. especially where it brings you so much joy. but somehow, you ca...
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LAUGHTER ECHOED AMONGST THE VOID, there's a small child with her hair that was tied into a twin ponytail while snuggling against her small teddy bear. beside the small little girl was another girl, twice the size of the child.
they both were holding hands, skipping on their walk.
"big sister! are you excited for the vacation?! cause i am!!" the small child grinned happily, looking at her big sister. the sister giggled, "yes, i am too ———!"
"i can't wait to spend time with you, with mommy and with daddy!" the small girl continued— the scenery change.
different from before when the both children are in a field full with flowers, now, it was pitch black. no, there is flickering lights. the lights revealed a small child.
walkie slowly, as if steppingstone closer to the view, the small child open her mouth, "...big sister...."
dripping down her forehead.
her body was almost can be said as unsightly.
broken arm.
but still walking as if it doesn't bother the small child.