"this is my comfort game."
"yes, but does it brings you what it called home?"
[ genshin impact x fem! reader ]
getting stuck into your favorite game was a wonderful things. especially where it brings you so much joy. but somehow, you ca...
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"[Y/N]! WAKE UPPP!" i groaned, slapping away a small hands that has been slapping my face awake. "go away oMG I'M SLEEPING." i screech, literally in hoarse voice. paimon huff, rolling her eyes as she did so. "okay, fine. guess you don't wanna go to liyue."
that's it. only that sentence could make me completely awake as in a flash, paimon couldn't see my figure anymore. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME EARLIER." i yelled, getting ready to wash up, running around the room. paimon gasped in disbelief, hands clutching on her heart as if she was betrayed by me.
"paimon's has been trying for these past few minutes! you're the one who doesn't want to wake up! you even slapped me away!" paimon scolded, her hands waving around in frustated manner. you can even see an imaginary smoke coming out of her ears comically as she scolded me.
but to her annoyance, i only ignore her as i continue getting ready. paimon comically bit a napkins that come out of nowhere before floating away. "you know what? paimon will just go! hmph!" she slammed the door close, leaving me to get ready, though i barely notices her frustation and annoyance towards me. meh, i'll comfort her with foods later.
"what importance is, we're heading to liyue today!" i widely grin, working on my hair which only will ended up dishevel soon enough. after washing up and getting ready, feeling satisfied with how i looked today, which was the same as everyday but, lemme me feel another great confidence today.
(love yourself everyones <3)
i stroded down the stairscase, humming as i my nose caught a radiant smell which make my stomach grumble. my mouth almost water as i quickly walking, skipping down the staircase as i go straight to the kitchen room.
i open the door open and was met with a strong radiant smell, which totally smell good, even just from the smell. i grin widely, eyes glittering at the foods on the table. "wahh~ it smells so good!" i compliment, licking my lip.
aether chuckled, putting down another dish on the table. "well, good morning to you too, sleepy beauty."
i grin sheepishly, "good morning aether!" i greet him back before giving him a look of concern, "how are you feeling, now?"
aether smile, shaking his head softly, "i'm feeling much better, don't worry." he replied which made me sigh in relief, "then that's good."
listening to our conversation, paimon tilt her head confusedly, "did something happened? why are you asking if aether's was feeling better?" she confusedly asked. both me and aether shrugged, ignoring her.
"it's nothing." aether said and paimon huff in annoyance. "c'mon, what is it? why are you two not telling me?!" she grumbled. i took this moment to tease her, "why, we just went to food hunting when you were sleeping, paimon. that's all~"