Chapter 1

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- iPhone alarm goes off - You open your eyes carefully. Still adjusting to the bright light from outside you grumble and turn the alarm off. *Yawns* "Oh god, another day working for the literal devil" you mumble to yourself. Yes okay, maybe that's a little too much, but come on! The man had you on call 24/7. It was as if you had no personal life. Not that you exactly have one besides the same old routine: coming home from work, order takeout, watch movies or read some fine literature. You were perceived as a prude to be exactly honest. You were 25 already and were still a virgin. (Nothing to be ashamed of lovely readers, NEVER EVER DO IT UNLESS YOU ARE 100% SURE!)

You do however, have a boyfriend. His name is Alexander, you two were together since high school, broke up during college and reunited 5 months ago. You felt safe around him, but it was a little boring sometimes. He was saving his virginity for his marriage, but it still made you insecure that he didn't touch you in any intimate way, besides holding hands, cuddling and kisses.

After 3 minutes of adjusting to the light, realisation hit you. Today was your best friend's birthday, you had asked the night of so you could celebrate it. Tonight would finally be your first night off since 2 and a half years of working for that wicked man.

You quickly put on your business clothing, a navy coloured skirt that went just above the knees, a white plain shirt which was mostly covers by a navy coloured blazer and some nice heels that went along nicely with the outfit.

After applying your make-up, you decided to wear your long dark hair in a slick ponytail. You looked in the mirror and was proud of the woman  you saw in the reflection.

While eyeing the clock, panic rises in your chest. "Fuck shit, fucking hell i'm going to be late!" you halfscreamed. You quickly grabbed your carkeys and drove to your boss his favourite cafe. The barista saw the panic in your eyes and immediately fled to kettle to make your boss's regular drink: an earl grey with no sugar after that he went to the coffee machine to make you your f/d. This whole ordeal only costed you 2 minutes. 'Thank you, Bastien. I swear to it, you're my saviour of the day." you said to the barista with a tiny smile curled on your lips. 'No problem y/n, I unfortunately know how a strict boss can be. Good luck honey." He said to you with a pitiful look. 'Thanks, I will probably need it."

You tried to park your car, but of course the parking lot that was up front was entirely packed with expensive cars. No room for your vintage pastel yellow coloured beetle. You sigh loudly and stress continues to consume your thoughts. 'This has got to be the most dreadful Monday I have ever had"

After finally having found a parking spot, which was 10 minutes away from the entrance of the building, you tried to get it together and not break down just yet. You tried to speedwalk to the building, saving you 3 minutes. "Hello ms. y/l/n, good luck upstairs, I heard he was a little pissed today" the doorman said to you. 'Hi Leonel! How many times do I have to tell you that you can greet me by my front name, I really dislike the formalities." "Ah, well sorry ms. y/l- uh sorry y/n."

When the elevator doors opened you wanted to go in as quickly as possible. While stepping into the elevator you were met by another man. A stranger. He had long blonde hair, tied in a knot. You could see that this man worked out(I mean Damn ;) )

"Hello ms. ?"

"Oh, uhm, s-sorry. I'm y/n!"  You managed to stutter out. While red flushed your cheeks you shook the man's hand.

"I'm Thor. Thor Odinson." He said to you with a smile one his face.

Colour drained yours. "O-Odinson, as in Odinson Inc.?" You said with a fearful tone.

"Yes. Odinson as in the Odinson that partly owns this place. Which floor do you need to get to?"

"F-floor 40, top f-floor. "

"Ah, fun! I need to go to that floor as well!"

You noticed that his eyes trailed from your face to your legs. - Is he seriously checking me out? Me? - hi just wanted to say, when i put - .. - then it means that the character is saying that line in their head :)

"I'm terribly sorry, i mist have caught you of guard with me being the CEO of this company. Im guessing that you have worked here for some time and may not recognise me. You see, I took a break from all this CEO stuff after my- Loki and I's father passed away. So that's why you probably have never met me." He said apologetically while putting up a sad smile.

"To be honest, you're completely right. I would have never thought to get in to the elevator with one of my bosses." You said while still awkwardly holding the tea and you f/d.

Ding! The elevator's doors opened. "I hope we will see each other again, y/n"

"That would be nice indeed mr. Odinson." You said with a small smile.

You walk towards the office of your boss and were stopped when you heard the yelling. You tried to collect as many confidence as you had in that moment and decided to knock on his door.

"Come in." A furious voice answered.

"H-Hello mr. Laufeyson. Here's your tea." You hand over his tea and try not to look to much into his eyes.

"Oh. It's just you." He scoffed while making a movement with his hands, signalling to you to put his tea on his desk.

He looks at his expensive watch. You see anger building up in his eyes. "You're late. Be late again and you won't have a job anymore. This will be your first and final warning."

"Y-yes, sorry sir, I-" he interrupted your sentence "Leave this office now, I'm not in the mood to look at you right now."

You leave his office, trying to hold back your tears.
"This is going to be a long, long day" you sighed to yourself.


Hii! This is my very first story. I'm curious of this os going to attract any readers wjsjajajjs kinda nervous too cuz I dont write a lot, i do read a lot tho ✌🏻

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If there are any grammatical errors, i'm sorry! English is not my first language :')

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