Chapter 6

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Bzz Bzz Bzz


Bzz Bzz Bzz

You hit the snooze button.


Bzz Bzz Bzz

Your eyes linger on your phone screen. "CRAP ITS ALREADY 8:01" you cried out.

2 missed calls from Mr. Laufeyson


You hurried yourself out of bed and quickly put on some clothes and some light make up. When you went by the coffee shop, you only ordered for Loki, since you didn't want to keep him waiting any longer.


This time there finally was a parking spot nearby the entrance of the building. -Finally a parking spot that doesn't require walking for at least 15 minutes- You greeted the doorman and walked straight to the elevator.

The doors opened and for the first time ever there was nobody else in it. You pressed the floor button.

'Will you hold the door for me?..."- your eyes went from the button to the man asking you to hold the door. Your eyes were met by his intense emerald green eyes. You quickly pressed for the button and the doors opened again for him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome mr. Laufeyson."

Your eyes stare at the floor.

While working for this man, you never had to be this close to him and that for 4 minutes long. Tension was building up. You didn't exactly know why there was any tension. Of course the man is a borderline evil, (tss a lil bit of an exaggeration:3 ), your thoughts were cut off by Loki's voice.

"You're late."

"So are you."

"I know, is that tea for me?"

"Oh yes, sorry" you hand the tea over to him.

"Why do you always apologise that often? It's annoying, please stop."

"Oh, sorry- shit. Uhh, -"

"Don't bother me with your rambling , just please for once, would you be silent?" He said with a clear annoyed expression on his face.

You nodded at his request. You glanced at his direction and you gave yourself a mental facepalm. -He's wearing the same shirt as yesterday, only with a different suit, meaning he didn't bother to completely change, meaning he was too drunk to do it, or there was something else. He was tapping on his drink, which meant that he was annoyed and at the brink of getting more angrier than before. And that means that nobody should talk to him before he had his morning after nap.-


The doors opened. You walked behind Loki , not wanting to get in his way.

Short chapter i know i know

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