Chapter 10

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TW: sirkink, submissivekink, smut, praisekink

Lokis's pov:

Where is she? She should have been in 4 minutes ago. She's never late?! God, she's probably still with that big blonde stupid oaf.

Loki was walking back and forth with a never ending train of thought. Wondering where the hell you were. And why you weren't here. With him instead of his big brother.

What is it that I'm feeling? Since when do I even care about that girl. She's nothing. Will never be more than some kind of trophy wife to my brother. She can be so much more.

All of his worries started to flow away as soon as the elevator's door opened. Revealing y/n.

I walk towards her. I want to know why she's late. Even though I know the reason already.

I scanned her face. She's still blushing. Meaning that Thor probably kissed her. And I don't think she didn't kiss him back. Her eyes now met mine, a little more startled now.

"Mr. Laufeyson, I'm so sorry for being late I— I was being held up downstairs and—"

I cut her off "Save your excuses. I know you were with my brother and that he is the reason why you are late. Don't make it happen again."

She looked down at her feet now. She always did that when I told her off. She is such a submissive by nature. That intrigued me only more. I quickly bit my lip by thinking about this.

"O-okay s-sir." Y/n said, still looking down.

I liked it when she called me sir. I could only imagine how it would be when she would call me like that in the bedroom.

I turn around, feeling my dick getting hard. It needs to be handled.

I walk in my office, put my jacket off and cuff my sleeves and start jerking off.

Normally, I would have someone else do the job for me, but I'm not in the mood for some meaningless sex right now.


Reader's pov:

You walk to your desk after Loki went into his office.
Scanning the papers laying there, you see an important document that needs to be signed by Loki himself. Grabbing the note, you walk to Loki's office.

Knock knock

No answer.

You open the door and walk in with your eyes glued on the documents.

"Mr. Laufeyson, you forgot to sign this— your eyes catch his face, he look caught off guard. You have never seen him like this. Then your eyes were met bye his arms, rolled up sleeves, damn he looked hot right now. But then you looked better and saw what he was doing.

Your eyes grew wide and your face turned flaming red.

"You could always help me take care of this problem you know." He said with a cocky voice.

You just knew he said this with a smirk plastered on his face.

"N-n-no thanks, s-sir." You managed to say.

Wanted by both (lokixy/n) (thorxy/n) Where stories live. Discover now