Chapter Forty-Three: Beginning Of An End

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Ahsoka turned her lightsabers on and swung them into a ready position. She was conscious about the fact that this was her first time fighting with a lightsaber in three years, but now that she had them in her hands, and was being bathed in their familiar green and green-yellow glow… It was all coming back to her.

And although she had only been four years old at the time, she almost felt like she knew Darth Maul. Every time she saw Anakin and Obi-Wan, she could feel, somewhere deep down, that they still missed Qui-Gon Jinn, whom Maul had killed. His legacy was everywhere she looked.

She glanced over at Lux, who appeared to be unconscious. It was probably from his wounds. There was a deep gash on his forehead which was still bleeding sluggishly, and it looked like there was a jagged piece of metal imbedded in his right leg. She shuddered. He was undoubtedly in so much pain.

But something told Ahsoka that this wasn’t the whole story. His breathing seemed too regular for him to be unconscious. It was almost as if he was faking it.

I love you, she thought to him. They had a very strong bond, and sometimes they were able to tell what the other was feeling or thinking.

I know, he replied. So he was awake!

Despite the dire situation, she smiled. But Maul noticed the smile too, and turned on his lightsaber, a which had clearly once been half of a powerful red saberstaff. But then he pointed it at Lux.

Ahsoka froze. “Don’t!” she yelled, the word cutting through the air.

“Ah… yes. So these two have value to you.” Maul smiled a sinister smile. His voice was cold and menacing. He swung his lightsaber dangerously close to Lux, and she only just managed to stifle a scream.

“Let them go!” she snarled, drawing her lips back and calling on her Togruta ancestry. Her unequaled determination to win was encoded in her DNA as an evolutionary feature just as much her long, sharp canines were.

“Fight me.” He took a step away from Lux and Amni, and the clenched feeling around her stomach released a little. “Fight me, and if you win, then they can go free. If I win, you must tell me where the Sith holocron currently in your possession is.”

“Deal,” Ahsoka said quickly, not leaving any room for him to have second thoughts. But she still had another trick up her sleeve, concerning what he wanted from their deal. But that was a card she wasn’t going to show yet.

“Then let us begin.” On some sort of unanimous agreement, they shed their cloaks, and began to circle each other, each waiting for the other to attack first. As Maul was facing away from his two hostages, she caught a flash of white out of the corner of her eye. It looked like Christo!

As she continued to watch, he hefted Lux over his shoulder and grabbed Amni’s hand. Then he gave her a look that told her that he needed her to buy him some time to get them out of there.

Understanding, she looked back at Maul, locking her intense blue eyes with his Sith yellow ones. Then, to provide the ideal distraction, she attacked first. It wasn’t the Jedi way, but today, in Tatooine’s hot binary noon, was one of those days when you broke all the rules.

Their sabers clashed, two green with one red. She did a quick analysis of her enemy’s strengths and weaknesses. His eyelevel was only about two inches above hers, and he was a skilled fighter, seemingly able to anticipate her every move.

But she had another advantage. Her lekku and montrals, which were hollow, allowed her species to use a sort of echolocation. Paired with Force-sensitivity, she was able to execute acrobatic feats that others could hardly dream of, and sense the distance of the things around her and the way they moved easily.

As they broke apart, she subconsciously continued her analysis. They were both even in the respect that they preferred to fight using speed and surprise, but Maul’s fighting style was more aggressive. They were similar enough to make a nearly even fighting match. The Dark against the Light.

She watched her opponent for a moment, stopping to catch her breath. Then they locked sabers again, and the fight began for real.

*Now we know what became of Ahsoka. But will Amni and Lux truly be safe in Christo's capable hands? And where are Padme, Luke, Biggs and Obi-Wan? What will become of them? And what is this trick that Ahsoka has up her sleeve? You'll find out in the next thrilling chapter of The Unchronicled Adventures Of Ahsoka Tano!

MAAAAAAANNNNN that was awesome! Okay, even though in my opinion I stil suck at describing fight scenes, this chapter and the next one aren't all that bad.

Oh, and btw, thanks for 2.8K reads! We're almost at three thousand! Thank you all!

Discover that General Grievous is on Utapau and that you're not the one going to kick his butt and may the Force be with you,


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