9 - newsflash

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My eyelids flutter open, the distant sounds of voices make me more alert. Who is that?

I pull on my short, black fluffy robe, tying it round my body as I tie my hair in a messy bun as I walk downstairs. The closer I get to the kitchen, the easier it is to recognise who was there.

"I don't care!" I heard Antonio yelling in the kitchen. "I had no idea, I swear!" Trent yelled back.

Lord have mercy.

I storm into the kitchen, seeing my brother and Trent fighting. "What is wrong with the two of you!?" I snap, capturing both their attention. Antonio looked pissed. Like, VERY pissed! And Trent? You could tell he was trying to hold his anger and frustration in.

"THIS.." Antonio snapped, flicking the TV on which was mounted on the wall in the kitchen. "..Is what is wrong!" He hissed, turning up the volume of the news channel.

"And now, our entertainment news of the day. Global Country superstar, Trent Donovan ditches stardom for some small town, southern romance. Here, he is photographed with a young girl, identity unknown. But sources said the pair of them weren't alone. They were accompanied by a small number of people, one being a young child. Is he throwing in the towel with singing and taking the job role of dad?"

I turned the TV off at the sight of the photos on screen. It was from the lake. Someone took them. Took them of us on the float, him wiping the tear from my cheek when we spoke. Us laughing. My child with us. All plastered on the news for the whole country to see.

"Gee, I had no idea. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." Trent said genuinely. It wasn't his fault the photos were taken. But they were being shown to the entirety of America. Not just of me, but my daughter? That was just wrong.

"You have no idea what this has done!" Antonio hissed at Trent. "You think Carson will be looking at these and decide to back off trying to-"

"ANTONIO!" I yell out, instantly stopping him from talking. I was not about to have that conversation with Trent. Barely anyone knew. I wanted it to stay that way.

"I'm sorry.." Antonio said, realising he got carried away. "Just..go. We'll talk later when I come and get Aria." I tell him, ushering him out the house.

"What was he talking about?" Trent asked me, listening intently as I sigh. Well then. Might as well now.

"Carson, Aria's dad, he didn't want anything to do with Aria when I was pregnant or when she was born. But two years ago he decided he wanted to keep threatening to take her away from me. Said he had the money to do it. And he had a better life, so people would be more inclined to give him custody." I tell him, Trent becoming visibly angry.

"I'm sorry. Give me five minutes and I'll have all of this fixed. I swear to you." He says through gritted teeth, pulling out his phone and dialling a number as he walks into the kitchen. "Andrew? It's me, Trent. I need you to make something go away for me.." His voice trails off as i plod up to my room.

I decide to have a quick shower and change whilst Trent was on the phone to his manager. I keep my hair in the bun as I pull on black leggings and a cropped white sweatshirt.

My phone starts to buzz. I answer it and I'm instantly hit with the ramblings of all my friends on the other line. Clearly they were all together.

"Guys I can't understand. One at a time!" I say, walking downstairs.

"This is crazy!"
"What's going on?"
"Why's your kid plastered on the news?"
"Dad!? Please! He's been MIA for eight years!"

They all spouted out questions as I neared the kitchen. Trent was finished on the phone, now sat at the table. "So?" I ask him. "What did Andrew say?" I ask him.

"Wait one sec." I add. "Guys I'll call you back." I say before hanging up the phone. Trent sighed.

"Andrew said he's already been ringing the news stations. Telling everyone they aren't allowed to post pictures of Aria or they will be facing legal penalties. That's all he can do. He can't do anything to get your photos offline."

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." He said and I sighed, grabbing his hand from across the table. "It's not your fault. You had no idea they were there. I don't care if my photo is everywhere, but I honestly appreciate the fact you fought to stop pictures of Aria spreading. I really appreciate it." I tell him and he flashed me a small smile.

"Plus, now you really do need to play that show in Dallas tomorrow. Show the world you're still serious about the music. Show them who you are, Trent Donovan." I joke, making us both laugh quietly.

"We don't have to come if you want to just focus on you." I tell him but he grips my hands. "No, I want you there. See me in action." He said sassily which made me laugh. "Okay. But Aria hadn't forgotten that you promised to take her with you for everything." I remind him.

He promised her that she could get the VIP treatment. See what's it's really like being a 'famous cowboy' she calls it. She hasn't stopped talking about it.

Who knew my little Italian baby would be so quickly converted into a country girl?

"As promised.." he said, grabbing a paper bag from the counter as he sits back beside me. "Breakfast wrap from Steve's. Your favourite." He says, letting me dive straight into it. "Oh you're the best!" I joke, taking a big bite as we both laugh.

"Be ready by 4. I'll sort the rest." He assured me, a big smirk on his face as we laugh.

PTrust me! You will NOT want to miss the next one! Big changes are about to happen over the next chapter or two!Once again, please continue to leave your thoughts in the comments

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PTrust me! You will NOT want to miss the next one!
Big changes are about to happen over the next chapter or two!
Once again, please continue to leave your thoughts in the comments.

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