25 - surprise, love

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It's been three days since I woke up. Making it two weeks since the accident. And I was still trapped in this hospital bed. Because of the severity of my head injury, I had to stay in for one more night. Make sure nothing was wrong.

My parents had to fly back to Sicily for business. So they left last night after I practically forced them. I was fine. And I didn't want them putting their life on halt to look after me.

But Trent stayed with me when he could. And when visiting hours were over, he would go and get Aria and take her back to his house for the night. He promised me to let her fall asleep and wake up in his house. Somewhere safe.

The time has finally come around though, for me to get out of this place!

I said my goodbyes as Trent wheeled me down the corridors and to his car. "Can I make a suggestion?" He says, lifting me into his car as I wince. "You and Aria should stay at mine for a while. Your house has no bedrooms downstairs. Mine has three. Please? It'll just be easier for you, saves you trying to hop up and down those big ass steps all day."

I chuckle at his comment, clutching my ribs as he hops into the drivers seat. "Fine." I sigh in defeat, a smile on my face as he chuckled. "I have a lot of Aria's stuff at mine already. But we can swing by your place first. Grab you some of yours." He says as the car roars down the street.

As we're driving down my long driveway, an unfamiliar car is parked out front. "Who is that?" Trent asks as I shrug. I have no idea.

Trent's car comes to a stop, him coming round to help me out the car and into the wheelchair the hospital gave us. Seems as though my ribs are broken and my wrist is fucked, I couldn't use crutches just yet. So it was this glamorous thing for a while.

He wheeled me towards the parked car as the drivers door and the passenger door swung open. My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach at the sight of the two people stood in front of me. "Gee? You're really pale.." Trent says quietly, very concerned as he flickers his eyes between me and the people in front of us.

"Surprise, love."

My whole body tensed up as the two people approached me. Trent could tell something was seriously wrong as he stood in front of me, blocking the unfamiliar faces to him from me.

"I see you got your cowboy back." His deep voice spoke, his hand snaking around the woman's waist he was with.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss, making him chuckle. "We saw what happened to you on the news. Figured now would be the perfect time to pay this small town a visit." He said smugly, only infuriating me more.

"Plus, I would like to my daughter." Carson smirks as I notice Trent tense up. "She is not your daughter. You made that very clear. You're her sperm doner, nothing more." I snap.

"I see you're still together then. Sleeping with anyone behind her back?" I ask him as he looks at the woman in his arms. The woman he cheated on me with. With a huge ring on her finger.

"Nope. We're very happy." She snides, annoying me more.

Before I could say anything, I heard the familiar roar of an engine pulling down the long driveway. Trent and I both look at each other in horror, knowing who was approaching.

With that, Trent went running down the driveway, stopping the car before it reached us. But Carson figured it out. "And I'm guessing that's my baby girl." He chuckled.

I heard a car door slamming, before Antonio came running towards us. "figlio di puttana!! (You son of a bitch!!)" Antonio yells before launching himself at Carson.

"Antonio!" I snap, as Trent's strong arms are luckily there to stop my brother from attacking Carson.

"comportati bene quando c'è mia figlia.. (behave when my daughter is around..)" I warn him as Antonio steps back, standing beside me. Trent stands the other as I look up at Carson.

"What do you really want? Because I know damn well you're not interested in my child. Last time you only came sniffing around when you ran out of money." I snap.

Carson chuckled. "I just want my daughter around when my son is born." He said smugly once again.

Son? Is she...?

I watched her hand reach down and rub her stomach. So he gets this wife pregnant and sticks around? Nice.

"Not gonna happen." Trent says bluntly. "And who are you to comment on what I do with my child?" Carson strides towards Trent, trying to intimidate him. But Trent doesn't even flinch. He stands there, same stern emotion, completely unfazed.

"Listen here, little man.." Trent begins, literally looking down at Carson who was almost pressing his chest against Trent's. "I would suggest taking a few very big steps backwards."

Trent chuckled. "What are you going to do? Sing to me?" He laughed. But Trent wasn't amused. He simply raised two fingers, placed them on Carson's forehead and pushed. Carson went stumbling back, even by such a simple motion by Trent.

I couldn't help but feel some kind of way towards him after that. But this was definitely not the right place.

As Carson was about to open his mouth to speak, his eyes wandered to my left as I heard the door to Antonio's car open. I instantly felt dread, knowing what's happening behind me.

"Momma!! Momma I missed you lots and lots!!" Aria screamed, sprinting over to me before stopping dead in her tracks as she looked at me in the wheelchair.

She then delicately pulled me in for a hug. "I'll be gentle. Because momma's hurt." She observed, looking up at Trent as she said that. "Just like you said!"

He looked down proudly at her, ruffling her hair. "Good job." He said, kissing the top of Aria's head as Ellie came running into view.

"I'm sorry. She saw you and I couldn't hold her back." She said to me and I smile at her, letting her know it wasn't her fault.

"And you, little lady, must be Aria." Carson said venomously, causing Aria to hide slightly behind Trent's legs.

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