28 - fall

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"Look at you go!" Hudson's voice called from Trent's kitchen as we both walked in. Yes. Walked. It's been four months since my accident, and I finally got that cast taken off!

So much for a quick six week healing.

"Been given the all clear to walk on this bad boy! No more crutches, or air casts. And my physiotherapist said she was happy for me to walk on my own." I tell my friends who are all sat around the counter eating a very late breakfast.

"So now she can't use you as her waiter bro." Grace laughs, nudging Trent who sighs dramatically in relief. "Thank god!" He says making everyone laugh.

My eyes float over to the time. "We should probably go and pick Aria up from preschool." I tell Trent. Since turning four last month, we put her into preschool. And she's loving it. She's made so many new friends and is already noticeably smarter.

"Okay. We'll back back soon." Trent says to the group as we head back out to his car. We all spend a lot of time at Trent's house. It is beautiful, after all.

As we walk into the preschool, Aria's teacher approaches us with a huge smile on her face. "You're looking as good as new!" The older woman grins, gesturing to my leg which was now free. "Thanks."

"We had a new teacher starting today. Aria was quick to tell her that her momma was dating Trent Donovan." The teacher laughs, Trent's arm snaking round my waist. "Actually.." she trailed off, a smile staying on her face.

"She told our new teacher that Trent was her dad.."

I felt Trent's arm around me stiffen, my heart fluttering. I look up at him to see a huge smile on his face. "She also made it a point to say that she knows you love her and her momma because you make pancakes everyday." Her teacher adds which makes us chuckle. My eyes slightly tearing up out of happiness, seeing how ecstatic Trent was.

It's been five months since he first met her. And ever since then, he's made sure she feels like a princess every minute of the day. Four months ago when I told her I was dating Trent now, she asked me whether that meant he was her dad. She pointed out how she didn't have one like her cousins and her friends.

It hurt to hear her talk about that. But I reassured her that it was up to her. If she didn't want Trent to be her father figure, then she didn't have to. But Aria grabbed my hand and said that she wouldn't want anyone else as a dad before falling asleep.

Only this is the first time anyone has heard her call him her dad. And I knew that made Trent feel an immense amount of happiness. Because he promised me a few months ago that he'd continue to treat Aria as his own, even if she didn't want him to be her dad.

"Look what I made!!" Aria's voice comes out of nowhere as she waves a drawing in the air. "What's that, cowgirl?" Trent asks, swooping her up in his arms as he looks at her picture.

"That's me. That's momma. And that's you! Oh and that there.." she said, pointing in the middle. "That's the big tree in your garden. Where you sing your songs to me!"

"Wow! Who knew my little cowgirl was an artist?" He chuckled as we both said goodbye to the teachers, piling into the car as we drive back to Trent's house.

"So..your teacher told us someone new started today." I say to her. "Is she nice?"

Aria giggles from her car seat in the back. "Yeah. She said she loved your music!" She says to Trent who glanced at her through his mirror. "She was really shocked when I told her you were my dad."

And there it was.

"You tell people Trent's your dad now?" I ask, a huge smile on my face. But she looks unfazed. Like it isn't a big deal. Her little shoulders just shrug as her eyes watch the world go by out the window. "Yeah. He is."

"Yeah I am." Trent said excitedly, stretching his arm into the back as he fist bumps Aria. "Did Uncle Hudson get my snacks?" She asks, making us all laugh as we pull up outside Trent's house.

She caught him cussing a lot yesterday and told him his punishment was to buy her snacks. "Why don't you go and find out?" I say chuckling as she unbuckled herself and ran into the house.

Trent and I just sat in the car for a moment longer. "She called you her dad..." I whisper at him, a stray tear dripping down my face as I smile up at him.

"She did.." he whispered back. "No one deserves that title but you. You treat her like she's the most special person in the world. You took on responsibility when I got in the accident. You love that little girl." I say, gripping his hand.

"I love you." He beams down at me, gripping my face as he pulls me into a passionate kiss. I unbuckled my seatbelt, climbing onto his lap without breaking our kiss.

I feel around for the small remote, briefly pulling out of the kiss as I press the button. The garage door sliding down leaving the car in complete privacy.

Trent chuckled. "Shut up and kiss me." I roll my eyes playfully, crashing my lips back down on his. His hands gripped my waist as mine tugged on his hair.

My hips started to circle in his lap, my body craving some kind of friction as Trent's mouth does it's work on my neck. "Fuck Gee.." he grumbles against my neck as my hips circle slowly.

His grip tightens on my waist as my breath catches in the back of my throat, heat coursing through my body.

Trent's phone starts buzzing, making him huff in annoyance. "Just ignore it.." he grumbles. But it just carries on.

I grab his phone, seeing Chris's name on it. Chris is one of the guys from Trent's band. Also one of his best friends. I wave the phone in Trent's face as he sighs.

As I go to get off his waist, Trent grips my hips, pulling me back into his lap before pressing the phone against his ear.

"What's up, Chris?" Trent begins talking, his eyes fixed on mine. And his eyebrow furrows in confusion as a mischievous glint flashes over my eyes. I slowly start circling my hips against his crotch, making his eyes widen slightly.

I smirk at him as I watch him try and keep his composure. "Yeah bro, that shouldn't be an issue." He looks distracted. But my plan of teasing him should be turned up a notch.

So I did the one thing which always sends him. Yep. That's right. I slowly pull my bottom lip between my teeth, staring him dead in the eye as I grind against him a little harder.

He releases a deep breath, his eyes fixed on my bottom lip. Victory. "We'll be there." He confirms to Chris on the phone. The friction I had created makes me close my eyes in pleasure, my back slightly arching so my chest was pressing against him more.

"Hey listen, I'll have to call you back later. But put us down for coming. I'll bring everyone." Trent says before quickly hanging up the phone. He tosses it on the passenger seat, grabbing my face so I'd look at him.

His emerald eyes darker now, filled with lust. "Giovanna Romano, you're going to be the death of me." He says, making me giggle as he feathers kisses all over my face.

"Come on, cowboy." I laugh, patting his chest as I climb off him and get out the car. "You're just going to get me feeling some kind of way and then walk away?" He smirks at me, hopping out my car as he hugs me from behind. His chest pressed against my back as I laugh.

"Hmm.." I paused, faking a thought. "Yeah. That's exactly what I'm doing." I pat his arm as I open the garage door again, walking towards the house.

"I hate you!" He shouts out laughing as he follows me inside. "You love me!" I yell back, his deep laugh echoing through the crisp fall air.

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