Heading to FTRS

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I woke up at seven thirty on Saturday morning, expecting my mom to show up and bring us to our grandparents house for the day around nine, but when I went downstairs I saw she was already there and fighting quietly with my dad. They were whisper-yelling at each other, probably so they wouldn't wake me and my siblings up. I thought, if only for a moment, of eavesdropping on them before deciding it a bad idea and walking around the corner so they saw me. They stopped fighting imediatly.

"I'm sorry, Gilly, did we wake you?" My mother asked, with a smile.

"No. But you're usually not here for an hour and a half. What happened? I saw you guys fighting." I said and my mother and father shared a glance before my father sighed.

"I want you kids to come stay with me at my mom and dad's, and your father said okay.. if we got a divorce." She stated, they must decided there was no point in lying to me since I would figure it out anyway.

"Wait.. are you guys getting divorced, then?" I asked quietly, not feeling like looking at either of parents. I couldn't decide if I was mad at them or not, I mean I know things have been rcky with them for a while but I feel like they didn't even try to fix their marriage. They just gave up on it. Is that what they want to teach the twins and Felix and Trixie and Anna?

"I- I think so. I- Gilly, we just don't work anymore, love. I know how hard that c-" My mom had started saying when I cut her off.

"Right, you two enjoy your talk about divorce and custody and whatever else, I'm gonna get dressed and go to the library. I'll see you later." I said rather coldly and walked away before either of my parents could respond. I was boiling with anger inside me at them for changing my siblings' lives' like it's nothing after they finally got used to after Alva, I was angry with them for just giving up. But I was also sad, I didn't want this to happen, and I was also afraid. I've never been fond of change and thiss was going to be a big one. Even bigger than mom moving out.

Then I got even madder. I got mad that it was stuck in my head and I couldn't focus on anything else. So, with a red-hot rage in my head I pushed away the thoughts of my parents. I got dressed in a blue top with detached sleeves, ripped black skinny jeans and grabbed a sweat shirt, slinging it over the book-bag I had grabbed. Then I grabbed Wilson as well and put him gently in the bag, pulled on my boots and laced them up.

I walked out of my room, down the hall, down stairs and out the front door without another word. It was early in the morning, even if I didn't know the time I'd have known by the way the sun hung low in the distance and the grass still seemed a bit wet with morning dew. I walked along the road to the library, there was barelyn any foot traffic and there were no carriages out yet except for the occasional resturuant or retail delivery truck. There were a few stands set up already, most of them being younger people who were probably trying to save up for something by doing the early shifts at their parents stands.

I walked over to a cinnamon bun stand and asked for one, after all I hadn't had breakfast in my rush to get out of the house. On the walk to the library the fresh ari and space helped me calm my thoughts and I realized I may have slightly over reacted to my parents. But I still felt like they were being rash and hadn't really thought of the impact a divorce would have on everyone else.

When I reached the square it was probably around eight, and there was starting to be more bustle about the town square. So, I walked over to the library and went inside.

"Hello, Gilly!" Called the cheery librarian at the front desk as she saw me walk in. It was nice to have someone who knew you were (that wasn't a craved fan or a hater), but it still would never be the same as walking into the FTRS library.

"Hi, Miss Cynthia." I said back with a smile and made my way to the table I usually sat at in the library, and the one where my friends sat if they came to the library. Which, apparently, Ollie had. I found him sitting at the table half asleep.

"Hey, Ollie. What're you doing here? Libraries have never really been your thing." I said, startling the half-asleep Ollie who was about to fall out of his chair.

"Oh, hi Gilly. I was actually hoping I'd find you here." Ollie said. I raised an eyebrow at him. "We needed to get everyone together and I dropped my ID in FTRS yesterday, so I was hoping if you came here before you read AG's message you'd be able to take me onto school grounds with you." He explained.

"AG's message?" I asked, having only looked at my phone to check the time before I put it in the bag on my shoulder.

"Yeah, she said she wanted us to go to the FTRS library, said she had news she didn't want to tell us on the phone." He said and shrugged. I looked at him like he was crazy and grabbed his arm and pulled him out of his chair.

"Woah, where are we going?" He asked, with a laugh.

"FTRS." I said flatly and walked back out of the library and headed toward FTRS, still pulling the half-asleep Ollie along.

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