Hey, Red

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***Time skip to Saturday***

It was around 10:30 Saturday morning, and I decided I would leave for Jax's early so I could stop by Red's shop and hopefully pay her a quick visit before I headed over. I usually go over like once or twice a week and we either pratice in her mini shooting range, or talk. Or sometimes I help out around the shop when Robin's sick or something.

I walked into Felix's room, finding him curled up on his bed with one of the books he'd picked out at the library open in front of him. He was looking at the page rather intently so I knocked on the door frame to get his attention. His head snapped up to look at me and he offered me a soft smile when he realized it was me. I walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge of it, putting my headphones down next to him.

"I'm gonna head out, you got everything you need, Monkey?" I asked him, ruffling his hair gently.

"Yeah, thanks Gil." I said and smiled at me. "Have fun." He added and I gave him a hug.

"Will do." I said and gave him a firm squeeze before pulling back. "Love you, Monkey."

"Love you too, Gilly Bean." He said and squeezed his hand before readjusting the strap of my backpack and walking out of the room. I closed his door softly behind me, figuring he probably wouldn't want anyone else to interupt his reading. I headed down the stairs without saying a word to anyone else. When I found the twins in the lvingroom I gave them each a quick hug and patted Trixie shoulder while I walked by where she was sitting on the couch. I yelled to my mom to let her know I was leaving and walked out the door, heading toward Red's shop.

When I got there I opened the door, hearing the formiliar chime as I walked in and Robin looked up to greet me, smiling like always. "She's in the back." He said and I thanked him quickly before walking over to the 'employies only' door that Red had told me I was allowed to go through. I headed into the back room, smiling when I saw mentor checking for something in a box.

"Hey, Red." I said, smiling and sitting down lightly on a crate in the corner. She looked up from the box and smiled at me.

"Hey, Kiddo. I didn't know you were stopping by." She said, walking over and taking seat on another crate across from me.

"I thought I'd suprise you. I was going to Jax's anyway." I said, and then added "and I'm not a kid." Red shrugged with a smirk.

"Whatever you say Kiddo." She said misheviously, I groaned lightly and she smiled again. "So, how's things? Have you told anyone yet?" Red asked, She had been the first person outside of my family I'd told. She could read my like a book. A picture book. Besides, I knew Red would never pity me or any of that. It wasn't her kind of thing. I hate when people pity me.. almost as much as I hate bothering people with my problems. But Red says I'm never a bother, so she hears about all of them.

"Yeah, actually. I told AG and Jax. And I missed curfew and ended up staying at AG's house a coulpe days ago and Beauty asked, and I felt bad about lying to her so I told her.. and yeah." I said, pasuing to catch my breath, it was a hard topic for me so I tended to talk as quickly as I could. "It actually felt pretty good." I admitted.

"Im sure it did. It's never fun to feel like we're carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders, and that's what secrets can feel like." She said and reached across to place a hand on my knee. "Life's short, Gilly, don't waiste it because you're afraid of how people will react to things." She said and squeezed my knee lightly.

"Thanks, Red.. You're really good at giving advice." I smiled. "Even when I don't ask for it." I added with a smirk and she whacked my arm lightly.

"Don't you have a sleepover to get to?" She asked and I laughed and said good-bye to Red, giving her hug as I headed out, and set off for Raz's castle. It wasn't that bad off a walk, and I liked being able to have the time in fresh air to clear my head. it made me feel a little less suffocated by the sheer amount of stuff happening in my life.

I walked to the gates surrounding the princesses' castles, kicking along a couple pebbles as I went. When I got to the gate I saw one of the regualr gaurds, Tim, and someone who I didn't recognise. Probably a new recruite. "Hey, Tim." I said walking up to the window he was standing behind with the other gaurd, holding up my school ID so he could verify it was me.

"Hello again, Miss Cobbler." He responded, nodding at my ID and opening the gate for me.

"Seriously, call me Gilly." I reminded him with a smile as I walked through the gate. He smiled back as I walked away towards Raz's castle, passing Ella's on my way there. I made it to the front door of the castle and knocked twice, as we had this thing in the group for literally no reason. We just always knock twice at each other's houses.

Raz asnwered the door, looking excited. "Gilly!" She said with a smile and pulled me into a hug. I laughed slightly.

"Good to see you, too." I said with a smile and she smiled back.

"Sorry, I'm just excited Dad's finally meeting all of you guys." She said, letting go of me. "How've you been? I feel you guys haven't come here in ages."

"It's only been a few weeks," I pointed out with a smile. "But I've been good, thanks. How about you?"

"I've been well. Very excited to be seeing Dad." She said and her smile seemed like it was so large it was about to tear her face in half. I couldn't help but keep smiling back because she was just so genuinely excited.

Then Jax walked into the room, leading me off to where he and Ollie (who he had apparently invited over ealier than the rest of us so he'd actually be on time) were hanging out. We ended up in one of the livingrooms, the one with leather couches so we couldn't stain them like Maxine had done to one of the velvet ones once by accident. She had super embarassed about that, but Jax and Raz had just shrugged it off and ordered a new cushion to replace the stained one. There was also a distinct lack of vases due to one time when Jack had knocked one over by accident (an antique) and Raz had brushed it off no big deal, but Jax had made a huge deal out of it (at least until his sister scolded him).

There was also a large screen and a projector, a couple bean bag chairs and some extra blankets and sleeping bags in the corner. The sleeping bags and blankets were probably a resultof the time we hadn't really planned on having a sleepover and there had ended up not being enouhg that we could easily find, so the next time we hung out at Jax's there was a basket in the room we usually use full of blankets and pillows. There were also a bunch of snacks on the coffe table, so Ollie had probably already made a round to the kitchen.

"I told my dad when you guys were supposed to get here, so he's probably going to wrap up whatever he ad to get done this morning nad head over here. He likes to be early." Jax explained as we sat down on the couch across from Ollie, who was shoving a cinnamon roll into his already full mouth. "Ollie, please don't let that be the first impression of you my dad has." Jax said, something that was a mix between a sigh and a laugh escaping his mouth at the sight of one of out bestfriends with his mouth so full he looked like a chipmunk.

"Sowwie." Ollie responded, meaning 'sorry' but it came out muffled to do how much food he had in his mouth. Some of which fell out in crumbs when he spoke. Jax let out a slightly exahsperated chuckle and barely stopped myself from full out laughing.

Whoo I updated this story befor school starts too! Question: do you guys think Jax's dad is going to like the gang? Thanks for reading, rating and commenting! <3

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