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Later that day in the library wth Jax and AG, it felt nice knowing that I didn't have to try to cover anything up. Knowing that they knew everything and we were still hanging out like always was extremely releaving. I had been so afraid of how everyone would react, but knowing how they did.. well it made me think that maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal to tell the others. I was still unsure though, so I didn't mention it to Jax adn AG. Not just yet at least.

Beauty had checked on me when we walked into the library, and AG didn't say anything about the fact that her mom knew. She probably figured it out this morning, Beauty didn't say a word when I told her I'd told Jax. So now we were sitting at our usual table in the back left corner of the library, working on homework and essays while we engaged in our normal banter. It was so normal that for a while I completely forgot how much of a mess my life had become. At least this was still the same even if nothing at home was.

I was just wrapping up an essay for Harlow that was due in two days when AG spoke up about something completely off our topic of conversation. "We should have a sleepover. With like everyone in the gang, we could probably do it at mine, maybe this Saturday..." She trailed off, looking like she may be lost in thought.

"If you want to do it this Saturday, we could do it at mine." Jax said. "Dad's home for the weekend and he keeps pestering me about wanting to properly meet everyone, so he said I could invite you guys over."

"I'll check with my mom.. I feel kind of bad leaving Felix, though." I said and then shook my head slightly. "I'll just take him to library before I go so he can find some fantasy world to get lost in for a while." I said, and smiled. It was slightly forced, as much as I wanted to hangout with the gang I really felt bad leaving Felix alone.

"I mean he might be able to come." Jax said, lightly scratching at the back of his neck.

"It's alright. I'll just talk to him about it.." I said and smiled again. Jax looked a bit guilty, and AG looked like she felt bad. "Really, guys, its fine." I added and that seemed to help a bit.

***Time skip to when Gilly gets home***

"I'm home!" I called as I walked into the house, Han and Hamish were outside on the lawn and I'd already seen them when I was walking up. They told me dad was in the shoe shop working on some kind of special order or something, I didn't really much attention after they mentioned him. I was still angry with him.

Anna was in the livingroom that I'd walked into but she only looked up to roll her eyes at me and tell me not to be so loud. I shook my head at her, I don't what happened to the sister that wanted nothing more than to patch up our relationship. I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack and was met by Trixie baking, and telling me not to eat too much or I would have room for the brownies she was making. I smiled and grabbed an apple off the counter before making my way off to find Felix.

"Fe?" I called as I walked upstairs, I was looking into his room and I didn't see him.

"Down here." He responded, his voice sounding as though it were coming from my room. I chuckled slightly and walked down the hall to see him sitting at my desk with a book.

"Taking over my room, are you?" I asked teasingly as I walked in and dropped my bag by the foot of my bed before hopping onto it and biting into my apple.

"No. Just waiting for you to get home. I didn't want to wait downstairs since Anna was on the phone with her boyfriend." He explained and put a book mark in his book before closing it and climbing off the desk chair and making his way over to join me on the bed.

"Makes sense. Those two are obnoxious." I responded, tossing my arm lightly around his shoulders as he climbed onto the bed next to me. I looked over the closed door and wished it offered more sound protection so that we didn't have to risk someone hearing us if we let something slip about one of our family members that they wouldn't take so lightly.

"Yeah, they can be." Felix agreed, snuggling against my side. I sighed, why did he have to be like this when I had the news I had? "Something wrong?" He asked, noticing the sigh.

"Not wrong, per say." I responded, trying to figure out the best way to phrase what I was going to tell him. He didn't rush me, instead deciding to just stare at me while I pondered for maybe a little too long. "Me and the gang were thinking about having a sleepover at Jax's Saturday, but I wanted to talk to you about it before I ask mom if its okay. If you don't want me to go then I'll just tell them she said no." I said, a little faster than I should've.

"I don't care if you go as long as you take me to the library before you leave, and.." He trailed off after 'and'. I looked at him, gently urging him to continue. "And do you mind leaving me your head phones so I listen to stuff on my tablet?" He added, his voice a bit smaller than it had been before.

"Of course not." I smiled and kissed his nose. "You sure you'll be alright without me?" I asked softly, I didn't want him to say I could go just because he felt bad about making me miss out on something with my friends.

"I think I can manage on my own for a weekend. Besides, I can always call you, right?" He asked, looking up at me with his bid doe-eyes.

"Absolutely." I responded, messing with his affectionately. He giggled at that. After a few more minutes of us just cuddling he went to retreive his book and lie between my legs to read, Wilson lying one my leg by one of his arms, and I pulled out my phone to text my mom about the sleepover.

Gilly: Hey, Mom. Is it okay if I have a sleepover with the gang on Saturday?

Eva Cobbler (Mom in Gilly's phone): I don't see why not.. whose house are you going to be staying at?

Gilly: Jax's.

Mrs.Cobbler: And who else is going to be there?

Gilly: Everyone probably, but definately AG.

Mrs.Cobbler: Alright. You can go.

Gilly: Thanks, Mom.

I smiled at my phone since I could go and then it buzzed with a text from the groupchat.

Jax: Hey, you guys down for a sleepover at mine on Saturday? My dad's been itching to meet you guys.

AG: Sure, I just talked to Mom about it.

Gilly: I'll be there.

Ollie: Hopefully he doesn't have a rash, maybe he should get that checked out.

Jax: It's a figure of speech Ollie

Ollie: Riiiiggghhhttt. Also, I can come.

Jocelyn: I can aswell.

Kayla: Mom said I could as long as I don't, and I quote, 'do something silly and get yourself grounded again'.

Maxine: I can come too.

Jack: Same.

Jax: You're not invited.

Hayley: Don't be mean Jax. Also, I can go.

Jack: Yeah, Princey, don't be mean

Gilly: You two are so immature

Jax: How could you? Ollie, she's being mean to me.

Ollie: You're on your own, Man. She scares me.

Gilly: =) And Jax, that's exactly what I'm talking about

Jack: Hah, roasted

Jocelyn: Oh shut it Beanstalk

Ah yes, the good old rivalry of Jax and Jack must make an appearance. And so must Felix. Thanks for reading, rating, and commenting! <3

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