The nursery

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"So do you know what gender the baby's going to be yet?" Kayla asked, looking excited a hopeful.

"Nope. Mom and Dad want it to be a suprise when the baby's born." AG said, looking equally excited to be talking about her new baby sibling.

"Are hoping for a boy or a girl?" Hayleu asked, deciding to take part in the baby fever.

"I dunno. I would like a girl because I could have fun helping dress them up and do their hair and I feel like might get along better but I would also like to have a baby brother because they would like to go on adventures and play around outside and stuff." AG said.

"It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl, turst me you'll love them. Babies are adorable." I told her and she smiled.

"You're going to have to tell me what your supposed to do as a big sister, because I honestly have to idea." AG luaghed.

"You're not supposed to do anything, A. Just be yourself and be supportive, and any kid will be lucky to have you lving them and looking for them." I said back and smiled. "Also, remember a little teasing is fine, but never actually be mean ot them. I think that's the best advice I can give you, honestly."

"Noted, thanks, Gil." AG said smiling like she had just won the lottery.

"So, have your parents picked out names?" Maxine asked.

"We were thinking Sofia or Emelia if it's a girl and Micheal or Thomas if it's a boy." AG said and then AG, Hayley, Kayla and Maxine went crazy talking about potential baby names and who liked which ones the most and a hundred other things about the baby and Jocelyn, Ollie, Jax, Jack and I just sat there rather bored. Although the others were probably more bored than me because even though I didn't really follow the conversation it was nice to the girls (minus Jocelyn) so happy and excited about something. It made me happy too.

"Ooh! Do you guys want to go see the nursery? We finnished it yesterday!" AG cheered excitedly and Kayla and Maxine squealed in excitment, Hayley nodded frantically and I said sure and the Ollie shrugged and Jax smiled so she shot up and practically ran out of the library, us following behind. "Bye Mom, see ya later, I'm shoeing everyone the nursery!" AG called to Beauty as we all rushed after and out of the library Beauty smiled at us and waved as we went bye.

"Bye Beauty!" I called, as I practically ran to keep up with my over-excited friends. Jax and Jack were quietly arguing and I rolled my eyes at them but said nothing since they were, so far at least, only bothering themselves and not anyone else. I really don't understand why those two still hate each other so much, if they could over their pettiness they'd probably be great friends. Although I think the thought of them be anything but civil died when they had reached a year of being sworn enemies (yes they ended up swearing, and it is not the date they first met when they first started fighting).

When we reached AG and her family's pop-up castle, we went right inside and AG raced up the stairs to the second door on the left. Meaning that the baby's room was going to be right next to AG's. She opened the door for us and we walked into a liliac purple and sea foam green room with stars and commets and planets and the moon painted on the walls in white. The basinet was a light wood with gentle flowers carved into the wood, there were three blankets inside, one was tan and had white stars and things on it and matched the walls and the actual sheets on the baby matress, the next was white and fluffy and honestly looked it should feel how you would imagine could do and the last was a soft-looking light yellow blanket with a bunny's head on one of the corners intead of a corner of blanket. There were shelves on the walls the looked like little clouds that held some toys like blocks and a few stuffed animals as well as baby bottles and a few little signs with poems and things on them. There was a warbrobe in the corner with a mirror on the front and wood and carving that matched the basinet, and there was a little mobile with clouds and stars and a moon hanging from it over the basinet.

The only other things in the room were a little chest of toys that matched the warbrode and basinet, a changing table that looked like it folded away to look like it almost wasn't there with some diapers already on it, a fluffy little rug in the shape of a cloud, a rocking chair with a yellow cushion on it and a small bookcase with fairytales and little kid stories on it. It was honestly quite possibly one of the most beautiful rooms I'd ever been in, because it was so prestine but it still felt homey and welcoming and comfortable.

"Wow. It's wonderful." Kayla said, smiling in the corner of the room.

"It's really nice." Hayley said, also smiling, but she was still staring at the walls, pivking appart the shapes.

"The bed looks comfy." Ollie said with a chuckled and AG whacked his hand but she was smiling the whole time.

"I like it." Maxine said, still looking around the room, mouth slightly open in apperant awe.

"It's beautiful." I said, finally voiving my thought. AG's smile grew wider than it had before the whole day.

"Thank you!" She said, she was glowing with pride.

"It's genderless, but not personality-less, you guys did a really good job with it." Jax said and AG beamed even wider, if that was humanly possible.

"Thanks." She said.

Okay the plot didn't progress much this chapter but I thought it was cute and I wanted to add it anyway UwU. Thanks for reading, rating and commenting! I'll try to upload this story at least once a week, but I make no promises. I told y'all the updates were going to be slow lol. One more thing, could y'all please vote on what gender and name you think AG's little sibling should be? (So male or female, and Sofia, Emelia, Micheal or Thomas) <3

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