Breakfast 2

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I woke up the next morning with Felix in my arms in Raz's palace and momentarily forgot how we'd ended up there. Of course, then the memories of the previous day came rushing back and I pulled my hand out of the blanket it was under to feel the bruise on my cheek. It stung, because somehow even under a thick woll blanket my hand was freezing, but at least now I knew it was still there before I got up and looked at in the mirror.

I dug around in the covers in serach of my phone to figure out what time it was. 8:30 AM. I also had about five missed calls and ten unopened messages from mom, which I rolled my eyes at. If you really cared we wouldn't have had to leave in the first place.. I ignored both the texts and and missed calls, deciding instead to wake Felix so we could get dressed and wake everyone else up in time for breakfast. Raz and Jax usually eat around 9:30, I knew that from how many times I had slept over before, but I didn't know if it would be different since their father was here.

"Fe, come on bud, get up." I whispered softly as I shook him by the shoulder. His eyes fluttered open softly and it took some coaxing to get him out of the warm bed to put on clothes, but eventually he agreed and we were up. I walked to the foot of the bed where I had dropped my bag the night before and opened it, pulling out my favorite pair of jeans, a soft t-shirt and a fuzzy sweater since it was getting colder. Felix left to his room while I rummaged through my bag to find my hair brush, I tied back my over-long hair that was in need of cut and left to wake Anna so she could help me get Trixie and the twins up.

I entered Anna's room to see her almost falling off the bed she was on despite it being three times the size of hers at home. I was tempted to climb on the bed and push her off, but I decided I'd be nice since our relationship may just be salvagable after all. "Wake up sleepy head." I sing-songed, because she had always been a light sleeper. "Breakfast's in like forty-five minutes and I'm not waking Trix and the twins up by myself, so wakey-wakey." She groaned, and flipped my off but was out of bed, dressed and in the hall with me in about ten about ten minutes.

"Right, let's devide and conqour. You get Trix, I'll take the terrible two-some." I told her, earning a chuckled and a salute before we went our seperate ways to wake our younger siblings. I walked into the twins room and braced myself for their morning temper before cupping my hands arounf by mouth, "wake up boys! Out of bed you get, come on Han, come on Hamish." They woke and as I anticipated imediatly started crying and screaming about they 'didn't want to be awake' and 'didn't want to get dressed' and how I was 'the worst sister in the world'.

After about fifteen minutes of calming them down, I finally got them to put some clothes on and let me brush their hair, which took another twenty for me to complete and then I had to march them off to the hall so we could eat. When I made my way to the hall, I found Anna and Trixie waiting for us. The five of us headed downstairs where we were met with Jax and Felix talking infront of the fire in the livingroom.

"Ah, just in time for breakfast." Jax said with a chuckle, and Han and Hamish laughed (they love him more than me, ever since they battle with Alva). Once all of my siblings had turned away he shot me a wink, which made me chuckle as well, and we headed off for the dinning hall. When we got there, Raz was the only one and she was sitting again at the head of the table, she told us that Mr.Porter was too busy to come to breakfast.

It was pretty quiet for a while, Felix is the only one other than me who really knows Raz at all. Once breakfast was over, Anna, Trixie, Han and Hamish ran off to play hide and seek, and Jax and Felix ran off to plan their Halloween costumes. I told them I'd be along in a minute, but held back to thank Raz for letting us stay here.

"So.. uh.. thank you for letting all of us stay here on such short notice.." I said to Raz trailing off at the end because I wasn't a hundred percent sure what to say or whether or not I was going to tell her about everything. Although she seemed to know that she wanted answers.

"Gilly, of course you're all welcome here. But are you going to tell me why you showed up with a bruise on your face, some of you having obviously been crying and not mentioned your parents once? Or why your mother called me last night to ask if you were here?" She asked, her voice going from somewhat anrgy to gentle. She took my hands before speaking again, "is something going on at home?"

I felt myself tear up, but I made a resulotion to tell her without breaking down like I had every other time I'd told people. "Well.. my parents are going to get divorced.." and so I started, and I told her the whole story, straight through to mom hitting me and me deciding that we needed to leave and all the calls and messages from her I woke up to. My voice shook and my eyes were watery, but I never let the tears leak down my face. When I was done Raz pulled me into a hug, and for a minute I wasn't sure she was going to let go.

"You did the right thing, Gilly. She sounds.. unstable." She said softly, I nodded but couldn't bring myself to agree outloud, which she seemed to understand. "I'm sure that was hard, so thank you for telling me. You should probably get going before Jax and Felix start planning your costume too." I laughed at that and walked off, maybe telling people wasn't always horrible.

Hey guys, sorry this took so long I honestly didn't realize, so here ya go! The (month late) 21st chapter. Thank you all so much for reading, rating and commenting even though I kind of forgot about this! Love ya <3

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